Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

(570 Artigos indexados)

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Assessing the taxonomic sufficiency of macroinvertebrate communities and their potential to distinguish the impacts of land use on lowland streams in Uruguay - (2024)

Bárbara Suárez, Margenny Barrios, Franco Teixeira de Mello

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Bacterial community dominance in a sewage-driven eutrophic coastal lagoon by next generation sequencing: initial findings - (2024)

Analy Machado de Oliveira Leite, Mauricio Mussi Molisani, Renan Monte de Oliveira, Paula Veronesi Marinho Pontes, Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca, Jackson de Souza Menezes, Lupis Ribeiro Gomes Neto, Francisco Assis Esteves

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Distribution of invasive bivalves in Paraguay: filling the gaps in the heart of South America - (2024)

Igor Christo Miyahira, Rebeca Carballo, Héctor Samuel Vera-Alcaraz, Cristhian Clavijo

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Environmental monitoring of sediment quality and trace metal status in a tropical perennial river in South India: an exploration using multivariate analysis - (2024)

Dani Benchamin, Sreejai Raghavan, Arya Madhu Sajidevi

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Environmental variables as predictors of fish community composition in semiarid aquatic systems - (2024)

Elvio Sergio Figueredo Medeiros, Marcio Joaquim da Silva, Telton Pedro Anselmo Ramos, Robson Tamar Costa Ramos

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

First record of the Southern Platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus (), (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in coastal streams of Venezuela and implications for conservation - (2024)

Douglas Rodríguez-Olarte, Críspulo Julián Marrero, Donald Charles Taphorn, Jorge Luis Coronel

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Fish parasites from a neotropical tidal river within a biodiversity hotspot - (2024)

Luddy Searom Carias de Moraes, Ana Paula Lula Costa, Ricardo Massato Takemoto, Andre Andrian Padial

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Flood did not cause the taxonomic and functional homogenization of Chironomidae (Diptera) community in a Neotropical floodplain - (2024)

João Pabllo Silva da Silva, Danielle Katharine Petsch

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Ichthyoplankton distribution set by different environments shapes in a coastal freshwater lagoon - (2024)

Carolina Antonieta Lopes, David Augusto Reynalte-Tataje, Alex Pires de Oliveira Nuñer

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Main predictors of phytoplankton occurrence in lotic ecosystems - (2024)

Maria Clara Pilatti, Gabriela Medeiros, Andre Andrian Padial, Mailor Wellinton Wedig Amaral, Ricardo Guicho, Norma Catarina Bueno

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton community diversity, dominance, and rarity: a case study of tropical urban lakes - (2024)

Marlon Pablo Miranda Martins, Khályta Willy da Silva Soares, Priscilla de Carvalho, Jascieli Carla Bortolini

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Reproductive aspects of females of Leporinus lacustris Campos, 1945 (Characiformes, Anostomidae) in a Neotropical floodplain - (2024)

Amanda Borges dos Santos Schmidt, Herick Soares de Santana, Claudenice Dei Tos

Volume: 36 - Issue: 0

Extemporaneous environmental legislation: an analysis of the conflicts underlying Law 3824/1960 on coarse wood removal in Brazilian artificial reservoirs - (2024)

Lívia Helena Tonella, Oscar Barroso Vitorino Junior, Dilermando Pereira Lima Junior, Luiz Carlos Gomes, Fernando Mayer Pelicice, Angelo Antonio Agostinho

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Seasonal variation on diet of juvenile Elops saurus Linnaeus, 1766 (Ladyfish) in the Parnaiba River Delta - (2024)

Tatiane Araujo Santos, Thamires Souza Gonçalves, Patricia Silva do Nascimento, Cézar Augusto Freire Fernandes, Francisca Edna de Andrade Cunha

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Advances and limitations of using satellites to monitor cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms - (2024)

Igor Ogashawara

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Advancing impact evaluation in applied limnology - (2024)

Luiz Guilherme dos Santos Ribas, André Andrian Padial, Luis Mauricio Bini

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Allelopathic effects of the aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum L. on phytoplankton species: contrasting effects between cyanobacteria and chlorophytes - (2024)

Cihelio Alves Amorim, Rafael Henrique de Moura-Falcão, Celina Rebeca Valença, Vitor Ricardo de Souza, Ariadne do Nascimento Moura

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Big things come in small packages: why limnologists should care about small ponds - (2024)

Melissa L. Mullins, Robert D. Doyle

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Biomass and abiotic variables change in phytotelmic environment in the tank-bromeliad Nidularium longiflorum Ule in tropical forest - (2024)

Karina Margaret Silva das Neves, Armando Reis Tavares, llka Schincariol Vercellino, Carla Ferragut

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Habitat, limnological signatures and spatial modeling: a zoning proposal for the Curuá-Una hydroelectric reservoir, Pará, Brazil - (2024)

Juciley de Almeida Santos, Keid Nolan Silva Sousa, Paulo Roberto Brasil Santos, Joelson Leal de Lima, Rivolo de Jesus Bacelar

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Longitudinal dimensions of land-use impacts in riverine ecosystems - (2024)

Rafael Feijó-Lima, Eugenia Zandonà, Bruna Suelen da Silva, Flavia Tromboni, Timothy Peter Moulton, Steven Arnold Thomas

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Mollusks associated with the Avicennia schaueriana (Magnoliophyta: Acanthaceae) roots of a hypersaline estuary in northeastern Brazil - (2024)

Ana Priscila Amancio Muniz, Rafaela Cristina de Souza Duarte, Ellori Laíse Silva Mota, Jessica de Oliveira Lima, Thelma Lúcia Pereira Dias

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Monitoring simplification in plankton communities using different ecological approaches - (2024)

Carla Albuquerque de Souza, Karine Borges Machado, João Carlos Nabout, Daphne Heloisa de Freitas Muniz, Eduardo Cyrino Oliveira-Filho, Cleber Nunes Kraus, Rômulo José da Costa Ribeiro, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Nutritional value changes in response to temperature, microalgae mono and mixed cultures - (2024)

Frederico Pacheco Militão, Valéria de Oliveira Fernandes, Kathiani Victor Bastos, Aline Paternostro Martins, Pio Colepicolo, Levi Pompermayer Machado

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Post-fire consequences for leaf breakdown in a tropical stream - (2024)

Renan de Souza Rezende, Cristiano Queiroz de Albuquerque, Andrezza Sayuri Victoriano Hirota, Paulo Fernandes Roges Souza Silva, Ricardo Keichi Umetsu, Helena Soares Ramos Cabette, Paulino Bambi, Natália Guedes, Cássia Alves Lima-Rezende, José Francisco Gonçalves-Júnior

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Spatial and temporal trends in freshwater fish research: the case of three neotropical river basins from Goiás State, Central Brazil - (2024)

Rodrigo Assis Carvalho, Francisco Leonardo Tejerina-Garro

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

The Ecology and Conservation of Wild Rice, Zizania palustris L., in North America - (2024)

David Dean Biesboer

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

The role of sediments in the carbon and pollutant cycles in aquatic ecosystems - (2024)

Simone Jaqueline Cardoso, Gabrielle Rabelo Quadra, Nathália da Silva Resende, Fábio Roland

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

The structuring role of macrophytes on plankton community composition and bacterial metabolism in a large subtropical shallow lake - (2024)

Ng Haig They, David da Motta Marques

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Tunnel vision in current chemicals management cannot deal with the unknown risk of synthetic chemicals in aquatic systems - (2024)

Anna Sobek, Emma Undeman

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Wastewater infrastructure and the ecology and management of freshwater systems - (2024)

Krista Arminty Capps

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

A simple non-destructive method for estimating aboveground biomass of emergent aquatic macrophytes - (2024)

Laís Samira Correia Nunes, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Seasonal and spatial variation of the epilithic diatoms: case study of an organic pollution gradient in a subtropical region of southern Brazil - (2024)

Saionara Eliane Salomoni, Odete Rocha, Lezilda Carvalho Torgan

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Assessing the impacts of mining activities on zooplankton functional diversity - (2024)

Francisco Wagner Araujo Moreira, Mariângela Garcia Praça Leite, Maria Augusta Gonçalves Fujaco, Fellipe Pinheiro Chagas Mendonça, Larissa Paraguassú Campos, Eneida Maria Eskinazi-Sant’Anna

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Benthic invertebrates nestedness in flood and drought periods in a Neotropical floodplain: looking for the richest environments - (2024)

Gisele Daiane Pinha, Danielle Katharine Petsch, Flávio Henrique Ragonha, Renata Guglielmetti, Camila Gentilin Bilia, Rafael Prandini Tramonte, Alice Michiyo Takeda

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality in Billings Reservoir fishing sites (SP, Brazil) - (2024)

José Ricardo Baroldi Ciqueto Gargiulo, Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante, Ana Lucia Brandimarte, Luciana Carvalho Bezerra de Menezes

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Can a one-sampling campaign produce robust results for water quality monitoring? A case of study in Itupararanga reservoir, SP, Brazil - (2024)

Frederico Guilherme de Souza Beghelli, Marcelo Luiz Martins Pompêo, Mônica Páscoli, Vivian Silva Lira, Renata de Lima, Viviane Moschini-Carlos

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates in two artificial substrate types of a Riparian Forest - (2024)

Lívia Borges dos Santos, Cyntia Goulart Côrrea Bruno, Jean Carlos Santos

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Comparing two biological indexes using benthic macroinvertebrates: positive and negative aspects of water quality assessment - (2024)

Vinicius Moraes Rodrigues, Eliane Pintor de Arruda, André Cordeiro Alves dos Santos, Monica Jones Costa

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Diel variation in the structure of fish assemblages in south western Amazon streams - (2024)

Igor David da Costa, Wesclen Vilar Nogueira

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Distribution of benthic centric diatom Pleurosira laevis (Compère, 1982) in different substrate type and physical and chemical variables - (2024)

Moslem Sharifinia, Zohreh Ramezanpour, Javid Imanpour Namin

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Environmental drivers of the benthic macroinvertebrates community in a hypersaline estuary (Northeastern Brazil) - (2024)

Carlinda Railly Ferreira Medeiros, Annyelle Kelly da Silva Costa, Caroline Stefani da Silva Lima, Jacicleide Macedo Oliveira, Marcos Medeiros Cavalcanti Júnior, Maxciell Ricardo Azevedo da Silva, Rafaela Santos Dias Gouveia, José Iranildo Miranda de Melo, Thelma Lúcia Pereira Dias, Joseline Molozzi

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Fish-based Index of Biotic Integrity for wadeable streams from Atlantic Forest of south São Paulo State, Brazil - (2024)

Mauricio Cetra, Fabio Cop Ferreira

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Flood pulse are the main determinant of feeding dynamics and composition of Odontostilbe pequira (Characiformes: Characidae) in southern Pantanal, Brazil - (2024)

Andréa Fernanda Lourenço da Silva Scanferla, Yzel Rondon Súarez

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Fluvial lateral environments in Río de La Plata basin: effects of hydropower damming and eutrophication - (2024)

José Roberto Debastiani Júnior, Danilo Augusto de Oliveira Naliato, Gilmar Perbiche-Neves, Marcos Gomes Nogueira

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Gas emission from anaerobic decomposition of plant resources - (2024)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Alexandre Luccas Bitar, Irineu Bianchini Junior

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Importance of calibration for mathematical modeling of self-purification of lotic environments - (2024)

Marcio Ricardo Salla, Lucianno Eduardo Fernandes, Carlos Eugênio Pereira, Hélio Correia da Silva Jhunior, Guilherme de Lima

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Influence of land-use on structural and functional macroinvertebrate composition communities associated on detritus in Subtropical Atlantic Forest streams - (2024)

Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Frederico Machado Urbim, Gabriela Tonello, Rafael Chaves Loureiro, Tanise Luisa Sausen, Rodrigo Fornel, Rozane Maria Restello

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Inter-annual variability on the water quality in the Lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil) - (2024)

Paulo Ricardo Petter Medeiros, Geórgenes Hilário Cavalcante, Nilva Brandini, Bastiaan Adriaan Knoppers

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Land use effects and stream metabolic rates: a review of ecosystem response - (2024)

Eduardo Francisco da Silva-Junior

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Landscape effects on the occurrence of ichthyofauna in first-order streams of southeastern Brazil - (2024)

Gabriela Santos Tibúrcio, Carolina da Silva Carvalho, Fabio Cop Ferreira, Roberto Goitein, Milton Cezar Ribeiro

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Leaf litter input and electrical conductivity may change density of Phylloicus sp. (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) in a Brazilian savannah stream - (2024)

Gustavo Figueiredo Marques Leite, Fabíola Turiel Costa Silva, Fernanda Keley Silva Pereira Navarro, Renan de Souza Rezende, José Francisco Gonçalves Júnior

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Limnology of an integrated cage-pond aquaculture farm - (2024)

Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares, Rodrigo Ney Millan, Ana Milstein

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Null models for study Rotifers and Crustaceans Zooplankton species richness in Chilean Patagonian lakes - (2024)

Patricio de los Ríos Escalante

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Nutrient behavior in a highly-eutrophicated tropical estuarine system - (2024)

Nilva Brandini, Ana Paula de Castro Rodrigues, Ilene Matanó Abreu, Luiz Carlos Cotovicz Junior, Bastiaan Adriaan Knoppers, Wilson Machado

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Periphyton biomass accrual rate changes over the colonization process in a shallow mesotrophic reservoir - (2024)

Mayara Ribeiro Casartelli, Gabriela de Jesus Lavagnolli, Carla Ferragut

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Propagule success of an invasive Poaceae depends on size of parental plants - (2024)

Fabielle Mucio Bando, Thaisa Sala Michelan, Sidinei Magela Thomaz

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Reviewing carbon spiraling approach to understand organic matter movement and transformation in lotic ecosystems - (2024)

Leonardo Kleba Lisboa, Steven Thomas, Timothy Peter Moulton

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Scientometric trends of freshwater benthic invertebrates studies in Brazil - (2024)

Ana Lúcia Brandimarte, Ana Liz Uchida Melo

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Structural changes of the phytoplankton and epiphyton in an urban hypereutrophic reservoir - (2024)

Lucineide Maria Santana, Carla Ferragut

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Trophic structure of macroinvertebrates in tropical pasture streams - (2024)

Bruna Neves da Silveira-Manzotti, Angelo Rodrigo Manzotti, Mônica Ceneviva-Bastos, Lilian Casatti

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

Where should I publish my next manuscript on Limnology? - (2024)

Juan Josè Neiff

Volume: 28 - Issue: 0

An update on the fish composition (Teleostei) of the coastal lagoons of the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park and the Imboassica Lagoon, northern Rio de Janeiro State - (2024)

Fabio Di Dario, Ana Cristina Petry, Matheus Maia de Souza Pereira, Michael Maia Mincarone, Lorena Soares Agostinho, Ellen Martins Camara, Érica Pellegrini Caramaschi, Marcelo Ribeiro de Britto

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Biodiversity effects of benthic ecosystem engineers on the spatial patterns of sediment CH4 concentration in an urban Neotropical coastal lagoon - (2024)

Adriano Caliman, Luciana Silva Carneiro, João José Fonseca Leal, Vinicius Fortes Farjalla, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli, Francisco de Assis Esteves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon from aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of Typha domingensis Pers. and Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. in a tropical coastal lagoon - (2024)

André Luiz dos Santos Fonseca, Claudio Cardoso Marinho, Francisco de Assis Esteves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Effects of food web structure and resource subsidies on the patterns and mechanisms of temporal coherence in a tropical coastal lagoon: an experimental mesocosm approach - (2024)

Luciana Silva Carneiro, Adriano Caliman, Rafael Dettogni Guariento, Adriana de Melo Rocha, Leticia Barbosa Quesado, Ellen da Silva Fonte, Jayme Magalhães Santangelo, João José Fonseca Leal, Paloma Marinho Lopes, Frederico Meirelles-Pereira, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Effects of sandbar openings on the zooplankton community of coastal lagoons with different conservation status - (2024)

Rayanne Barros Setubal, Jayme Magalhães Santangelo, Adriana de Melo Rocha, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Magnitude and variability of methane production and concentration in tropical coastal lagoons sediments - (2024)

Antonella Petruzzella, Claudio Cardoso Marinho, Lúcia Fernandes Sanches, Murilo Minello, Francisco de Assis Esteves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Origin, concentration, availability and fate of dissolved organic carbon in coastal lagoons of the Rio de Janeiro State - (2024)

Albert Luiz Suhett, André Megali Amado, Frederico Meirelles-Pereira, Vinicius Scofield, Saulo Machado de Souza Jacques, Thaís Laque, Vinicius Fortes Farjalla

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Regulation of bacterioplankton density and biomass in tropical shallow coastal lagoons - (2024)

Fabiana MacCord, Fernanda Dall Ara Azevedo, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Vinicius Fortes Farjalla

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

The role played by aquatic macrophytes regarding CO2 balance in a tropical coastal lagoon (Cabiúnas Lagoon, Macaé, RJ) - (2024)

Anderson da Rocha Gripp, Claudio Cardoso Marinho, Lúcia Fernandes Sanches, Antonella Petruzzella, Francisco de Assis Esteves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

The several faces of fear: ecological consequences of predation risk in a lagoon model system - (2024)

Rafael Dettogni Guariento, Francisco de Assis Esteves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

The use of aquatic environments for Scientific Education purposes: the case of the Imboassica Lagoon, Macaé, RJ - (2024)

Laísa Maria Freire dos Santos, Erica Steagall, Deia Maria Ferreira, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Zooplankton resting egg banks in permanent and temporary tropical aquatic systems - (2024)

Luciana Rabelo Araújo, Paloma Marinho Lopes, Jayme Magalhães Santangelo, Ana Cristina Petry, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Are sugarcane leaf-detritus well colonized by aquatic macroinvertebrates? - (2024)

Luciene Aparecida Leite-Rossi, Susana Trivinho-Strixino

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Ecological attributes of the benthic community and indices of water quality in urban, rural and preserved environments - (2024)

Claudia Eiko Yoshida, Ana Paula Pozzo Rios Rolla

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Efficiency of a constructed wetland for wastewaters treatment - (2024)

Fernanda Travaini-Lima, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Future ecological studies of Brazilian headwater streams under global-changes - (2024)

Marcos Callisto, Adriano Sanches Melo, Darcilio Fernandes Baptista, José Francisco Gonçalves Junior, Manuel Augusto Simões Graça, Fernanda Gaudio Augusto

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Microalgae community of the Huaytire wetland, an Andean high-altitude wetland in Peru - (2024)

Gian Salazar-Torres, Vera Lúcia de Moraes Huszar

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Periphytic algal biomass in two distinct regions of a tropical coastal lake - (2024)

Stéfano Zorzal de Almeida, Valéria de Oliveira Fernandes

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Physical, chemical and microbiological aspects during the dry and rainy seasons in a pond covered by macrophyte used in aquaculture water supply - (2024)

Samuel Generoso Dias, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Population biology of shrimp Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1778) (Decapoda, Palaemonoidea) at the Grande River at northwest of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil - (2024)

Samara de Paiva Barros-Alves, Ariádine Cristine Almeida, Vivian Fransozo, Douglas Fernandes Rodrigues Alves, José Carlos da Silva, Valter José Cobo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

A global review on invasive traits of macrophytes and their link to invasion success - (2023)

Leticia Siman Bora, Andre Andrian Padial

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

A multibiomarker approach to investigate paracetamol effects in the reproduction regulatory axis of a male Neotropical catfish Rhamdia quelen - (2023)

Maiara Carolina Perussolo, Maiara Vicentini, Leonardo Skarbek Lyra, Lucicleide Ângelo Silva, Mayara dos Santos Rodrigues, Leticia da Silva Pereira Fernandes, Luis Fernando Fávaro, Helena Cristina Silva de Assis

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Advocating for free-to-read and free-to-publish science journals amid a need to change a broken evaluation system - (2023)

André Frainer

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Agriculture affects functional diversity of aquatic insects in Subtropical Atlantic Forest streams - (2023)

Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Silvia Vendruscolo Milesi, Rayana Caroline Picolotto, Vanderlei Secretti Decian, Rozane Maria Restello, Julio Serrano Huiñocana, Edélti Faria Albertoni

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Beta diversity of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera on multiples spatial extents in Xingu River rapids - (2023)

Nayara Monteiro Barreiros, Tommaso Giarrizzo, Bruno Spacek Godoy

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Between the past and the present: following the steps of 19th century naturalists and their contribution to the knowledge of Brazilian ichthyofauna - (2023)

Mariana Bispo de Oliveira, Rodrigo Assis de Carvalho, Francisco Leonardo Tejerina-Garro

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Community assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates in fishponds in the presence and absence of fish - (2023)

Mariana Silveira Guerra Moura e Silva, Alfredo José Barreto Luiz, Marcos Eliseu Losekann, Hamilton Hisano

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Composition and structure of the benthic diatom community from salt marshes of southern Brazil and their relationship to environmental variables - (2023)

Dávia Marciana Talgatti, Cesar Serra Bonifácio Costa, Luís Gustavo de Castro Canani, Haywood Dail Laughinghouse IV, Lezilda Carvalho Torgan

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Effect of water quality on macrobenthic fauna in Achenkovil River, Southern-Western Ghats, Kerala, India - (2023)

Sujitha Sukumaran, Sreejai Raghavan, Beena Sarada Kurup

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Factors associated with macrophyte beta diversity in Caxiuanã Bay, located in the Eastern Amazon - (2023)

Elaine Suzi Nascimento Vieira, Francieli de Fátima Bomfim, Joás Silva Brito, Nayara Louback Franco, Flávia Alessandra da Silva Nonato, Thaisa Sala Michelan

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

First record of the exotic species platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus (Günther, 1866) in an urban floodplain of a Brazilian neotropical river - (2023)

Marta Severino Stefani, Fábio Leandro da Silva, Welber Senteio Smith

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Fish assemblage and current status of the upper São Francisco River basin floodplain - (2023)

Marina Ferreira Moreira, Alexandre Peressin, João de Magalhães Lopes, Paulo Santos Pompeu

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

From the pond to the creek many years ago: life-history dynamics of feral poeciliids in Brazil - (2023)

André Lincoln Barroso Magalhães, Eneida Maria Eskinazi-Sant’Anna, Mário Luís Orsi, Dilermando Pereira Lima Junior, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule, Fernando Mayer Pelicice

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

From virus to igapó forest: a systematic review of 35 years monitoring of an Amazonian Lake impacted by bauxite tailings (Batata Lake) - (2023)

Simone Jaqueline Cardoso, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli, Fabio Roland, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Marcos Paulo Figueiredo Barros, Érica Pellegrini Caramaschi, João José Fonseca Leal, Nathália da Silva Resende, Enoque Gonçalves Ribeiro, Fabio Rubio Scarano, Vera Lúcia de Moraes Huszar

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Impacts of extreme precipitation events in water quality: a scientometric analysis in global scale - (2023)

Caio Vitor Matos Moreira, Mariana Rodrigues Amaral da Costa, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Incorporating symmetrical and asymmetrical dispersal into Ecological Niche Models in freshwater environments - (2023)

Micael Rosa Parreira, Geiziane Tessarolo, João Carlos Nabout

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Integrated tools to evaluate environmental conditions in estuarine streams of Northeastern Brazil - (2023)

Robert Germano Alves da Silva, María Angélica Pérez-Mayorga, Renato de Mei Romero

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Intensive fish farming: changes in water quality and relationship with zooplankton community - (2023)

Tamiris Rosso Storck, Leticia Raquel Sippert, Débora Seben, Dinei Vitor Lazarotto, Júlia Helfenstein, Jheniffer dos Santos da Luz, Felipe Osmari Cerezer, Silvana Isabel Schneider, Arci Dirceu Wastowski, Barbara Clasen, Jaqueline Ineu Golombieski

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Isotopic signature of the caridean shrimp Potimirim brasiliana Villalobos, 1960 in different points of a pristine area in southeastern Brazil - (2023)

Jeniffer Natalia Teles, Nielson Felix Caetano França, João Alberto Farinelli Pantaleão, Rafael Carvalho Santos, Luis Miguel Pardo, Fernando Luis Mantelatto

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Length-dry mass regressions for Leptonema (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) larvae in a Neotropical headwater stream - (2023)

Amanda de Melo Coelho, Pedro Henrique Monteiro do Amaral, Marden Seabra Linares, Marcos Callisto

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Length-weight relationship of fishes from an estuary of Abrolhos Bank, Brazil - (2023)

Matheus Oliveira Freitas, Fernando Conceição Fontes, Jonison Vieira Pinheiro, Vinicius José Giglio

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Local and regional determinants of phytoplankton communities in water reservoirs from the Cerrado biome - (2023)

Leonardo Beserra da Silva, Carla Albuquerque de Souza, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Erina Vitório Rodrigues Antonio, Antonio Felipe Couto Junior

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Margin distance as a driving factor of macrophyte assembly in a tropical reservoir - (2023)

Thieres Santos Almeida, Guilherme Ramos Demetrio, Juliano Ricardo Fabricante

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of pharmaceutically active compounds in neotropical small basins, Brazil - (2023)

Alessandro Minillo, William Deodato Isique, Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso, Yzel Rondon Súarez

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Ornamental aquaculture as a pathway for the introduction of non-native fish in coastal drainage of northeastern Brazil - (2023)

Jefferson Saulo da Vitória Luduvice, Marcelo Fulgêncio Guedes Brito

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Potential of the retention capability of a Neotropical reservoir (São Paulo State, Brazil) - (2023)

Flavia Bottino, Simone Pereira Casali, Marcela Bianchessi Cunha-Santino, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Irineu Bianchini Júnior

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Reproduction of the invasive largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802) in a Neotropical reservoir with suggestions to management and control - (2023)

Matheus Oliveira Freitas, Vanessa Maria Ribeiro, Vinícius Abilhoa, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Reproductive aspects of an isolated population of Psalidodon aff. fasciatus (Teleostei: Characidae) from southern Brazil - (2023)

Franciele Fernanda Kerniske, Luz Elena De la Ossa-Guerra, Roger Henrique Dalcin, Igor de Paiva Affonso, Roberto Ferreira Artoni, Vinícius Abilhoa

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Reviewing the organic matter processing by wetlands - (2023)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Irineu Bianchini Júnior

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Role of zooplanktonic functional groups in a shallow mesotrophic reservoir - (2023)

Maria Carolina de Almeida Castilho, Thiago Rodrigues dos Santos, Carla Ferragut, Raoul Henry

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Seasonal precipitation and anthropogenic pressure affect the water quality of reservoirs in the highland humid forest enclaves - (2023)

Luciana Gomes Barbosa, Kalline de Almeida Alves Carneiro, Letícia Moro, João Paulo de Oliveira Santos, Rodrigo Santana Macedo

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Sedimentary sterol levels to track river contamination by sewage in one of the largest Amazonian cities (Belém - Pará), northern Brazil - (2023)

Jorge Hernando Agudelo Morales, Camila Carneiro dos Santos Rodrigues, Mariana da Silva Messias, Flaviana Cardoso Damasceno, Angela Esmeralda Cely Torres, José Augusto Martins Corrêa

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

The effects of river impoundment on artisanal fishers in the Middle Tocantins River, Brazil - (2023)

Marco Aurélio Alves Santos, Fernando Mayer Pelicice

Volume: 35 - Issue: 0

Biological aspects of Hypostomus affinis (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) in Brazilian coastal rivers - (2022)

Tiago Magalhães da Silva Freitas, Gilberto Nepomuceno Salvador

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Can people detect the loss of water quality? A field experiment to evaluate the correlation between visual perception and water eutrophication degree - (2022)

João Carlos Nabout, Ana Clara Maciel David, Jéssica Fagundes Felipe, Karine Borges Machado, Laurence Carvalho, Hélida Ferreira da Cunha

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Characterization of wild fish diet and trophic guild in a protected area - (2022)

Julia Kaori Kuriyama Ramos, Natália Luiza da Silva, Vinicius Cesar do Bonfim, Bianca Yunes Fornari, Bruna Caroline Kotz Kliemann, Cibele Diogo Pagliarini, Heleno Brandão, Igor Paiva Ramos

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Density effect of Polygonum ferrugineum Wedd. (Polygonaceae) and nutrients concentration of sediment on establishment of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (Amaranthaceae) - (2022)

Abner José de Souza Vicente, Leticia Figueiredo Candido, Márcio José Silveira, Karina Fidanza

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Drivers of zooplankton spatial dynamics in a small neotropical river - (2022)

Pablo Henrique dos Santos Picapedra, Cleomar Fernandes, Gilmar Baumgartner, Paulo Vanderlei Sanches

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Eutrophication changes community composition and drives nestedness of benthic diatoms from coastal streams - (2022)

Ana Paula Tavares Costa, Emanuela Castro, Cássia Fernanda Martins da Silva, Fabiana Schneck

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Exploring the impacts of non-native leaf litter on invertebrate community and leaf decomposition in a Atlantic Forest stream - (2022)

Jéssica Andriotti, Mauricio Mello Petrucio, Aurea Luiza Lemes da Silva

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Feeding ecology of Eigenmannia desantanai (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) in southern Pantanal, Brazil - (2022)

Élida Jeronimo Gouveia, Patrícia Luna Rondon, Yzel Rondon Súarez

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Here comes the large catfish “jaú” Zungaro jahu (Ihering 1898) (Teleostei, Pimelodidae): a new alarming case of fish introduction in a high-endemism Neotropical ecoregion - (2022)

Augusto Frota, Vinícius Abilhoa, Matheus Oiveira Freitas, Rodrigo Lira Meyer, Eduardo Rios Gonçalves, Filipe Manoel Azevedo, Éder André Gubiani, Weferson Júnio da Graça

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Influence of nutrient levels, travel time and light availability on phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in a neotropical river basin - (2022)

Kennedy Francis Roche, Maria Gabriela Alves Ferreira, Débora Fernandes Calheiros

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Leaf breakdown in a tropical stream: comparison between the exotic Eucalyptus grandis and two native species - (2022)

Gisele Pires Pelizari, Ariane Almeida Vaz, Davi Butturi-Gomes, Welber Senteio Smith

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Length-weight relationships of native and non-native fishes in a subtropical coastal river of the Atlantic Rain Forest - (2022)

Barbara Maichak de Carvalho, Larissa Faria, Natali Oliva Roman Miiller, Henry Louis Spach, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Natural and anthropic inputs of nutrients in hydrographic basins of reservoirs in the Brazilian semiarid - (2022)

Herbster Ranielle Lira De-Carvalho, Gustavo Gonzaga Henry-Silva

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

On the significance of wetlands: three decades of aquatic macroinvertebrate monitoring programs in a Neotropical floodplain - (2022)

Ana Paula dos Santos Bertoncin, Rafael Prandini Tramonte, Gisele Daiane Pinha, Camila Gentilin-Avanci, Marcelo Volta Cortes de Oliveira, Roger Paulo Mormul

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Reproductive aspects of prawn Desmocaris trispinosa (Aurivillius, 1898) from a periurban stream of Abidjan (Banco stream, Côte d'Ivoire) - (2022)

Wayrawélé Yasmen Koné, Mexmin Koffi Konan, Nakouma Konaté

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Screening of cyanotoxin producing genes in Ecuadorian freshwater systems - (2022)

Isabel Ballesteros, Sara de la Cruz, Michelle Rojas, Génesis Salazar, Miguel Martínez-Fresneda, Pablo Castillejo

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Seasonal patterns may influence the diet of the lambari Serrapinnus notomelas (Eigenmann 1915) - (2022)

Nathália Cardamoni Santiago, Victoria Silva Wiezel Santos, Thiago Deruza Garcia, Ana Paula Vidotto-Magnoni, Fernando Camargo Jerep

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Taxonomic and morphofunctional phytoplankton response to environmental variability in rivers from different hydrographic basins in Southern Brazil - (2022)

Thaís Tagliati da Silva, Gabriela Medeiros, Mailor Wellinton Wedig Amaral, Maria Clara Pilatti, Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Norma Catarina Bueno

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

The combined use of paleolimnological and long-term limnological information to identify natural and anthropogenic environmental changes - (2022)

Felipe García-Rodríguez, Ana Paula Tavares Costa, Alien Mavi Frantz, Cassia F. Martins da Silva, Karoline Pereira Martins, Andrea L. M. Moraes, Felipe Lopes Alves, Leandro Bugoni, Cleber Palma-Silva, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Paulo Henrique Mattos, Grasiela Lopes Leães Pinho, Vanessa Ochi Agostini

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

The effects of season and ontogeny in the diet of Piabarchus stramineus (Eigenmann 1908) (Characidae: Stevardiinae) from southern Brazil - (2022)

Vinicius Renner Lampert, Tatiana Schmidt Dias, Karina Keyla Tondato-Carvalho, Clarice Bernhardt Fialho

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

The phytoplankton community as a descriptor of environmental variability: a case study in five reservoirs of the Paraná River basin - (2022)

Matheus Vieira da Silva, Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Susicley Jati

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

The relationship between zooplankton occupancy and abundance in a floodplain is mediated by the hydrological regime - (2022)

Kamylla Nayara Jesus dos Santos, Priscilla de Carvalho, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Rafaela Vendrametto Granzotti, Luis Mauricio Bini

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Trophic assessment of four tropical reservoirs using phytoplankton genera - (2022)

Carlos A. Rivera, Angela Zapata, William Villamil, Nubia León-López

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

Water quality and planktonic community of Owalla Reservoir, Osun State, Southwest Nigeria - (2022)

Helen Yetunde Omoboye, Adedeji Idowu Aduwo, Henry Adewole, Israel Funso Adeniyi

Volume: 34 - Issue: 0

A stream multimetric fish index in a large-sized city in south-eastern Brazil - (2021)

Guilherme Raphael Camargo Arcanjo Silva, Maurício Cetra

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Bait efficiency to monitor mandi (Pimelodus maculatus) in the tailrace of hydropower dams, Southeast Brazil - (2021)

Alexandre Peressin, Rafael Couto Rosa Souza, Alexandre Lima Godinho

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Do changes in the water regime determine the abundance of the copepod trophic group in a Neotropical floodplain? - (2021)

Lenin Medeiros de Almeida Lino, Tatiane Mantovano, Vanessa G. Tibúrcio, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Do wider riparian zones alter benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages’ diversity and taxonomic composition in neotropical headwater streams? - (2021)

Marden S. Linares, Livia B. dos Santos, Marcos Callisto, Jean C. Santos

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Effects of formaldehyde preservation time on the length-weight relationship of the ubiquitous neotropical cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii - (2021)

Rafael Lacerda Macêdo, Lorena Pinheiro-Silva, Adriana Lamanna Puga, Gabriel Klippel, Betina Kozlowsky-Suzuki, Odete Rocha, Christina Wyss Castelo Branco

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Evaluating the periphyton as a bioreactor for removal of nutrients in a shallow hypereutrophic reservoir - (2021)

Suele Aparecida Mendes-Santos, Carla Ferragut

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Fish-food interaction network around cage fish farming in a neotropical reservoir - (2021)

Heleno Brandão, Denise Lange, Daniel Rodrigues Blanco, Igor Paiva Ramos, Jamile Queiroz de Sousa, André Batista Nobile, Edmir Daniel Carvalho

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Generalist populations formed by generalist individuals: a case of study on the feeding habits of a Neotropical stream fish - (2021)

Rafaela Carvalho Neves, Pedro Paulino Borges, Jaquelini de Oliveira Zeni, Lilian Casatti, Fabrício Barreto Teresa

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Growth dynamic on a co-cultivation of two Chlorophyta microalgae exposed to copper - (2021)

Rafael Barty Dextro

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Index of Biotic Integrity based on fish assemblages for pampean streams and its implementation along the Del Azul stream (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) - (2021)

Ignacio Masson, José Gonzalez Castelain, Sabrina Dubny, Natalia Othax, Fabio Peluso

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Internal phoshorus loading potential of a semiarid reservoir: an experimental study - (2021)

Hérika Cavalcante, Fabiana Araújo, Vanessa Becker, José Etham de Lucena Barbosa

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Investigating the diversity of fish parasites in the floodplain of the upper Paraná River: a long-term ecological monitoring - (2021)

João Otávio Santos Silva, Atsler Luana Lehun, Aparecida de Fátima Cracco Rodrigues, Lidiany Doreto Cavalcanti, Danilo Nunes Nicola, Wagner Toshio Hasuike, Ricardo Massato Takemoto

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Land use, spatial heterogeneity of organic matter, granulometric fractions and metal complexation in reservoir sediments - (2021)

Thaís Fabiane Gomes Martins, Karen de Souza Ferreira, Bárbara Rani-Borges, Ivan Edward Biamont-Rojas, Sheila Cardoso-Silva, Viviane Moschini-Carlos, Marcelo Luiz Martins Pompêo

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Longitudinal patterns in distribution of native and non-native fish species in a regulated temperate Neotropical river - (2021)

Andrea Bertora, Fabián Grosman, Pablo Sanzano, Juan José Rosso

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Macrophytes banks as potential fish nursery areas in small hydropower reservoirs - (2021)

Rafaela Shizuko Yamashita Kimura, Eduardo Meneguzzi Brambilla, João Felipe Denys Pereira, Marcos Gomes Nogueira

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Marine free-living nematodes in semiarid inland waters - (2021)

Fábio Lucas de Oliveira Barros, Maria Cristina da Silva, Francisco José Victor de Castro, Miodeli Nogueira Júnior

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Occurrence of non-native species in a subtropical coastal River, in Southern Brazil - (2021)

Larissa Faria, Fabrício de Andrade Frehse, Thiago Vinícius Trento Occhi, Barbara Maichak de Carvalho, Daniel Vicente Pupo, Sibelle Trevisan Disaró, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Optimized and validated protocol to the detection of the invasive bivalve Limnoperna fortunei from eDNA plankton samples - (2021)

Josiane Ribolli, Sophia Cassol, Samara Hermes Silva, Evoy Zaniboni Filho, Flávia Lucena Zacchi, Jacó Joaquim Mattos, Grasiela Fagundes Minatto Cardoso, Alex Pires de Oliveira Nuñer

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Organic matter decomposition in subtropical South America aquatic environments: a systematic and scientometric review - (2021)

Pâmela Rodrigues Gayer, Andréa Luiza de Mattos de Moraes, Pablo Santos Guimarães, Fabiana Gonçalves Barbosa, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Periphytic algae biomass at different shading levels: an experimental approach - (2021)

Helivania Sardinha dos Santos, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Phosphorus and metals immobilization by periphyton in a shallow eutrophic reservoir - (2021)

Murilo Guimarães Balle, Carla Ferragut, Lúcia Helena Gomes Coelho, Tatiane Araujo de Jesus

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Phosphorus sorption potential of natural adsorbent materials from a Brazil semiarid region to control eutrophication - (2021)

Fernanda Monicelli, Karina Patrícia Vieira da Cunha, Fabiana Araújo, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton functional groups in shallow aquatic ecosystems from the semiarid region of Brazil - (2021)

Klivia Rilavia Paiva da Silva, José Etham de Lucena Barbosa, Lucineide Maria Santana, Luciana Gomes Barbosa

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton richness and abundance in response to seasonality and spatiality in a tropical reservoir - (2021)

Lyza Christine dos Santos Moura, Silvia Moreira dos Santos, Cláudia Alves de Souza, Carlos Roberto Alves dos Santos, Jascieli Carla Bortolini

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Record of aquatic invertebrates associated with the bromeliads Aechmea ornata (Baker) and Aechmea recurvata (Klotzsch) L. B. Sm in two Atlantic Rainforest fragments of south Brazil - (2021)

Yuri Kataoka Silva, Anderson de Souza Moser, Mônica Ceneviva-Bastos, Ana Lucia Suriani Affonso

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Root growth and anatomy of Typha domingensis Pers. related to phosphorus availability - (2021)

Juliana Costa Bueno dos Santos, Evaristo Mauro de Castro, Vinícius Politi Duarte, Márcio Paulo Pereira, Felipe Fogaroli Corrêa, Fabricio José Pereira

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Sediment phosphorus fractionation and flux in a tropical shallow lake - (2021)

Jéssica Papera, Fabiana Araújo, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Simple methodological approach for assessing microbial mineralization rates in an aqueous anaerobic medium - (2021)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Irineu Bianchini Junior

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Species-specific response of phytoplankton to zooplankton grazing in tropical eutrophic reservoirs - (2021)

Juliana dos Santos Severiano, Camila Bezerra Amaral, Anamaria Silva Diniz, Ariadne do Nascimento Moura

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

The global scientific literature on applications and trends in the use of functional morphological groups in phytoplankton studies - (2021)

Ricardina Maria Lemos Trindade, Anny Kelly Nascimento Ribeiro, João Carlos Nabout, Jascieli Carla Bortolini

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Upper Paraná River floodplain: synthesizing knowledge over time - (2021)

Nicolli Cristina Osório, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Water quality and spatial and seasonal dynamics in the largest water supply reservoir in Brazil and implications for diatom assemblages - (2021)

Majoi de Novaes Nascimento, Mark Bush, Denise de Campos Bicudo

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Zooplankton functional complementarity between temporary and permanent environments - (2021)

Rayanne Barros Setubal, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 33 - Issue: 0

Alpha and beta diversities of Trichoptera (Insecta) assemblages in natural and rural subtropical streams - (2020)

Mayara Breda, Rozane Maria Restello, Ricardo Giovenardi, Alex Pinheiro Vizzotto, Briseidy Soares, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Application of multivariate methods and geoestatistics to model the relationship between CO2 emissions and physicochemical variables in the Hidrosogamoso reservoir, Colombia - (2020)

Ingry Natalia Gómez Miranda, Fabio Vélez Macías, Gustavo Antonio Peñuela Mesa

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Aquatic environments in the One Health context: modulating the antimicrobial resistance phenomenon - (2020)

Juliana Alves Resende, Vânia Lúcia da Silva, Claudio Galuppo Diniz

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Autecology of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya et Subba Raju - (2020)

Roberta Liberato Pagni, Patrícia Bortoletto de Falco, André Cordeiro Alves dos Santos

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Biological strategy to improve decomposition of organic matter in tilapia pond - (2020)

Gustavo Ruschel Lopes, Hugo Mendes de Oliveira, Gabriel Fernandes Alves de Jesus, Maurício Laterça Martins, Carlos Henrique Araújo de Miranda Gomes, Thiago Soligo, José Luiz Pedreira Mouriño

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Campsurus truncatus Ulmer, 1920 (Polymitarcyidae): an Ephemeroptera in eutrophic waters - (2020)

Mônica Luisa Kuhlmann, Hélio Rubens Victorino Imbimbo, Helena Mitiko Watanabe

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Ciliates in ecotoxicological studies: A minireview - (2020)

Jéssica Andrade Vilas-Boas, Marcus Vinicius Xavier Senra, Roberto Júnio Pedroso Dias

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Climate change reflected in one of the largest wetlands in the world: an overview of the Northern Pantanal water regime - (2020)

Wilkinson Lopes Lázaro, Ernandes Sobreira Oliveira-Júnior, Carolina Joana da Silva, Solange Kimie Ikeda Castrillon, Claumir César Muniz

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Day time variations of zooplankton species composition: observations from the wetlands of Assam, India - (2020)

Papia Das, Sulata Kar, Uma Das, Maibam Bimola, Devashish Kar, Gautam Aditya

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Diet of Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) caddisfly larvae in forest streams of western Pará, central Brazilian Amazonia - (2020)

Diego Ramos Pimentel, Sheyla Regina Marques Couceiro, Ana Karina Moreyra Salcedo

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Differences in land use modify Odonata assemblages in the Cerrado-Caatinga ecotone - (2020)

Daniel Silas Veras, Guilherme Santana Lustosa, Lucas Pereira Moura, Maria Fernanda Ribeiro Ferreira, Leandro Juen

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Eating at the edges: the feeding mode and the individual-resource networks of a characid fish in the periphyton - (2020)

Ubirajara Lima Fernandes, Grasiela Casas, Taise Miranda Lopes, Leandra Palheta, Liliana Rodrigues, Bárbara Dunck

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Editorial: Freshwater sustainability and aquatic ecology in a fast-changing world - (2020)

André Megali Amado, Rafael Marques Almeida, Simone Jaqueline Cardoso, Joyce Andreia dos Santos, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Effectiveness of protected areas for the conservation of aquatic invertebrates: a study-case in southern Brazil - (2020)

Rozane Maria Restello, Daiane Battistoni, Jesse Renan Sobczak, Alice Teresa Valduga, Sônia Beatriz Balvedi Zackrzevski, Elisabete Maria Zanin, Vanderlei Secretti Decian, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Environmental drivers and composition of assemblages of immature odonates (Insecta) in a subtropical island in southern Brazil - (2020)

Mateus Marques Pires, Ana Emília Siegloch, Malva Isabel Medina Hernández, Maurício Mello Petrucio

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Environmental predictors of charophytes in a subtropical reservoir - (2020)

Thamis Meurer, Roger Paulo Mormul, Norma Catarina Bueno

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

First evidence of a spawning site of the endangered fish Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1850) (Characiformes, Bryconidae) in the Middle Uruguay River, Brazil - (2020)

David Augusto Reynalte-Tataje, Marlon da Luz Soares, Marthoni Vinicius Massaro, Rodrigo Bastian, Fernando Mayer Pelicice

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

First record of microplastics in two freshwater fish species (Iheringhthys labrosus and Astyanax lacustris) from the middle section of the Uruguay River, Brazil - (2020)

Tacieli dos Santos, Rodrigo Bastian, Juliana Felden, Adelita Maria Rauber, David Augusto Reynalte-Tataje, Franco Teixeira de Mello

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

First record of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (Bivalvia: Cyrenidae) at Poxim-Açu River, northeastern Brazil - (2020)

Leonardo Cruz da Rosa, José Oliveira Dantas

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

First records of non-native species Malaysian prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in an important South American hydrographic system - (2020)

Thiago Augusto da Silva, Eduardo Luís Cupertino Ballester, Almir Manoel Cunico

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Fish farming in cages: a practice to be restricted in Brazil - (2020)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo, Rafael Vieira Amorim

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Forest fragmentation influences the diet of cichlids Apistogramma agassizii (Steindachner, 1875) and Aequidens tetramerus (Heckel, 1840) (Actinopterygii: Cichliformes) in streams of the Western Amazon - (2020)

Lucena Rocha Virgilio, Cleyton Holanda de Brito, Monik da Silveira Suçuarana, Lisandro Juno Soares Vieira

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Freshwater ecosystems of Mainland Ecuador: diversity, issues and perspectives - (2020)

Jorge Emilio Celi, Francisco Villamarín

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Gut content analysis confirms the feeding plasticity of a generalist fish species in a tropical river - (2020)

Igor David Costa, Ronaldo Angelini

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Ichthyoplankton studies as referential for the management and monitoring of fishery resources in the Brazilian Amazon basin - (2020)

Diego Maia Zacardi, Joyce Andreia dos Santos, Lucas Silva de Oliveira, Ruineris Almada Cajado, Paulo S. Pompeu

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Influence of different riparian vegetation widths and substrate types on the communities of larval Odonata (Insecta) in southern Brazilian streams - (2020)

Mateus Marques Pires, Nícolas Felipe Drumm Müller, Cristina Stenert, Leonardo Maltchik

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Life history traits of the exotic freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata Müller, 1774 (Gastropoda, Thiaridae), and its sensitivity to common stressors in freshwaters - (2020)

Denise Tieme Okumura, Odete Rocha

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Management of Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Teleostei, Osteoglossidae) in Sustainable Use Units as a proposal for the restoration of aquatic ecosystems - (2020)

Eucilene Alves Santana, Edson Fontes de Oliveira, Nataluzo da Silva Balbino, Helen Gurgel

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Maturity, growth and natural mortality rate of the introduced fish Parachromis managuensis (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in the semiarid region of Brazil - (2020)

Amanda Graziele Araújo Resende, Elton José de França, Cícero Diogo Lins de Oliveira, Francisco Marcante Santana

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Not all viruses in nature are human enemies: a perspective on aquatic virus ecology in Brazil - (2020)

Pedro Ciarlini Junger, Rafael Marques Almeida, Raquel Mendonça, Vinicius Fortes Farjalla, Rossana Correa Netto de Melo, Fábio Roland, Nathan Barros

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Obituary: Albano Schwarzbold (1941-2019) - (2020)

Fabiana Schneck, Sandra Maria Hartz, Adriano Sanches Melo

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton as bioindicators of water quality in Nasarawa reservoir, Katsina State Nigeria - (2020)

Zahraddeen Hassan Yusuf

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Plant species invasion effects on litter dynamics in subtropical streams - (2020)

Lucas Eugenio Fontana, Rozane Maria Restello, Tanise Luisa Sausen, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Pollution tolerance, flight capacity and natural history explain metacommunity structure in high-altitude stream insects - (2020)

Mireile Reis dos Santos, Victor Satoru Saito, Paulo Augusto Zaitune Pamplin, Allan Arantes Pereira, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca-Gessner

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Record of parasitic oomycetes on neotropical copepods in aquatic environments of Northwestern Patagonia (Argentina) - (2020)

Roberto Daniel Garcia, Fabián Gastón Jara, Mónica Mirta Steciow

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Relative condition factor: Le Cren's legacy for fisheries science - (2020)

Éder André Gubiani, Renata Ruaro, Vinícius Ricardo Ribeiro, Úrsula Morgana Gomes de Santa Fé

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Revisiting the concept of longitudinal gradients in reservoirs - (2020)

Fernanda Melo Carneiro, Luis Mauricio Bini

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Spatial and temporal variation of the phytoplankton structure in cascading oligotrophic reservoirs of southeast Brazil - (2020)

Ana Margarita Loaiza-Restano, Gisele Carolina Marquardt, Carla Ferragut, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

State of the art of identification of eggs and larvae of freshwater fish in Brazil - (2020)

David Augusto Reynalte-Tataje, Carolina Antonieta Lopes, Marthoni Vinicius Massaro, Paula Betina Hartmann, Rosalva Sulzbacher, Joyce Andreia Santos, Andréa Bialetzki

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Stream contamination by trace elements: biota incorporation and phytoremediation - (2020)

Rafael Chaves Loureiro, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Trends in aquatic ecology research associated with urbanization evolution during three decades in Santa Catarina Island/SC - (2020)

Michelle das Neves Lopes, Felippe Luiz Dalpiaz, Bruno Rech, Julia Daniel Teixeira, Isabella Seelig Soares Ribeiro, Danton Magri, Daniela Grijó de Castro, Maurício Mello Petrucio, Nei Kavaguichi Leite

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

Zooplankton trajectory before, during and after a hydropower dam construction - (2020)

Jaqueline Schmidt, Patrícia Dammski Borges de Andrade, André Andrian Padial

Volume: 32 - Issue: 0

A snapshot of the limnological features in tropical floodplain lakes: the relative influence of climate and land use - (2019)

Maria Tereza Ribeiro Alves, Karine Borges Machado, Manuel Eduardo Ferreira, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, João Carlos Nabout

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Abiotic parameters and planktonic community of an earthen fish pond with continuous water flow - (2019)

Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares, Rodrigo Ney Millan, Érica Camargo Oliveira Capitano, Bruno Scardoelli-Truzzi

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Anthropogenic impacts on aquatic bacteria: a perspective from the tropics - (2019)

Michaela Ladeira de Melo, Hugo Sarmento

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Aquatic food webs will need to stand on giants’ shoulders - (2019)

Ronaldo Angelini

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Assessment of phytoplankton species in gut and feces of cultured tilapia fish in Egyptian fishponds: Implications for feeding and bloom control - (2019)

Zakaria Mohamed, Zeinab Ahmed, Asmaa Bakr

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Biology of non-native species (Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829) (Characiformes, Cynodontidae) in a cage fish farm area, Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil - (2019)

Aymar Orlandi Neto, Lidiane Franceschini, Letícia de Oliveira Manoel, Rosicleire Veríssimo-Silveira, Rosilene Luciana Delariva, Igor Paiva Ramos

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Cladocera distribution along an environmental gradient on the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone: a preliminary study - (2019)

Leandro Schlemmer Brasil, Ana Luiza-Andrade, Tiago Borges Kisaka, Paulo Ilha, Francisco Diogo Rocha Sousa

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Community structure of invertebrate fauna in Central Chilean Rivers - (2019)

Patricio De los Ríos, Gustavo Díaz, Jorge Gonzalez, Konrad Górski, Evelyn Habit

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Diet of benthivorous fish and prey availability in streams of the Pirapó River basin-PR - (2019)

Renata Guglielmetti, Marlene Rodrigues Silva, Janet Higuti, Rosemara Fugi

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Distribution of aquatic macrophytes along depth gradients in Lajeado Reservoir, Tocantins River, Brazil - (2019)

Ester Vieira Noleto, Marcus Vinícius Moreira Barbosa, Fernando Mayer Pelicice

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Effects of primary productivity on beta diversity of ecological communities - (2019)

Leticia Siman Bora, Juliana Wojciechowski, Jaqueline Dittrich, André Andrian Padial

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Evaluation of the embryotoxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) of the flocculant and coagulant compounds used for water remediation - (2019)

Diego Sousa Moura, Rafael Oliveira Duarte da Mota, José Francisco Gonçalves Júnior, Newton Flávio de Vasconcelos, Marco Aurélio Reis, Cesar Koppe Grisolia

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Extreme drought events and the sustainability of fish farming in net cages in reservoirs of the semi-arid northeastern region in Brazil - (2019)

Gustavo Gonzaga Henry-Silva, Hênio do Nascimento Melo-Junior, José Luiz Attayde

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

First record of Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis Meinken, 1965 (Perciformes, Cichlidae) for Brazil, in addition to fecundity information - (2019)

Jomara Cavalcante de Oliveira, Jonas Alves de Oliveira, Danielle Pedrociane Cavalcante Rossato

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

From Africa to Brazil: detection of African Oreochromis niloticus parasites in Brazilian fish farms - (2019)

Diego Azevedo Zoccal Garcia, Mário Luís Orsi, Ângela Teresa Silva-Souza

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

How increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and ‘The Law of the Minimum’ are contributing to environmental obesity - (2019)

James Bryan Cotner

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

How much do we know about the groundwater quality and its impact on Brazilian society today? - (2019)

Ricardo Hirata, Alexandra Vieira Suhogusoff

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Impacts of drying and reflooding on water quality of a tropical semi-arid reservoir during an extended drought event - (2019)

Jéssica Nayara de Carvalho Leite, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Limnology of shallow lakes of the semi-arid Central Pampa of Argentina - (2019)

Santiago Andrés Echaniz, Alicia María Vignatti

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Long-term effects of a rural landscape on the structure and trophic organization of a fish assemblage - (2019)

Pedro Sartori Manoel, Virginia Sanches Uieda

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Methods of sampling benthic invertebrates in lotic habitats: a spatial and temporal evaluation - (2019)

Larissa Lima da Cunha, Maria Ines Bulgari Alves, Erika Ramos Ono, Virginia Sanches Uieda

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Population structure of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in Miranda Hydroelectric Plant Reservoir, Araguari river, Minas Gerais, Brazil - (2019)

Raquel Costa e Silva, Marina Calixto Cunha, Emerson Contreira Mossolin, Giuliano Buzá Jacobucci

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Proposal of a trophic state index in semiarid reservoirs using data of the Banabuiú Basin, state of Ceará, Brazil - (2019)

Hosineide de Oliveira Rolim, Ana Bárbara de Araújo Nunes, Francisco Jonathan de Sousa Cunha Nascimento, Jarbas Rodrigues Chaves

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Rethinking resting eggs decapsulating - (2019)

Marina Isabela Bessa da Silva, Déborah Maria de Oliveira, Luciana Pena Mello Brandão, Francisco Antônio Rodrigues Barbosa, Paulina Maria Maia-Barbosa

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Structure and ecological aspects of zooplankton (Testate amoebae, Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) in highland streams in southern Brazil - (2019)

Pablo Henrique dos Santos Picapedra, Cleomar Fernandes, Gilmar Baumgartner

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

The challenge of restoring tropical freshwater ecosystems - (2019)

Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Water pollution: one of the main Limnology challenges in the Anthropocene - (2019)

Gabrielle Rabelo Quadra, José Reinaldo Paranaíba Vilela Alves Teixeira, Nathan Barros, Fábio Roland, André Megali Amado

Volume: 31 - Issue: 0

Can fishways restore river connectivity? A case study using β diversity as a method of assessment - (2018)

Hugo Marques, João Henrique Pinheiro Dias, Igor Paiva Ramos

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Changes in fish species composition in the middle and lower Tietê River (São Paulo, Brazil) throughout the centuries, emphasizing rheophilic and introduced species - (2018)

Welber Senteio Smith, Marta Severino Stefani, Evaldo Luiz Gaeta Espíndola, Odete Rocha

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Changes in the structure of the phytoplankton community in a Nile tilapia fishpond - (2018)

João Alexandre Saviolo Osti, Andréa Tucci, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Community structure of periphytic Zygnematophyceae (Streptophyta) in urban eutrophic ponds from central Brazil (Goiânia, GO) - (2018)

Francielle Karla Lopes da Silva, Bárbara Medeiros Fonseca, Sirlene Aparecida Felisberto

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Comparing lacustrine environments: the importance of the kind of habitat on the structure of fishes - (2018)

Reinaldo José de Castro, Raoul Henry, Carla Ferragut, Mayara Casartelli

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Desmids (Zygnematophyceae) from the littoral zone of an urban artificial lake: taxonomic aspects and geographical distribution - (2018)

Camila Akemy Nabeshima Aquino, Gabriela Medeiros, Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Cinthia Coutinho Rosa Favaretto, Douglas Ticiani, Fiorindo José Cerqueira, Norma Catarina Bueno

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs from southeast Brazil: species composition and spatial and temporal variation patterns - (2018)

Gisele Carolina Marquardt, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo, Thelma Alvim Veiga Ludwig, Luc Ector, Carlos E. Wetzel

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Diel vertical migration of Cladocera in a compartment of a tropical reservoir - (2018)

Erika dos Santos Silva, Odete Rocha, Maria José dos Santos-Wisniewski

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Does the oscillation of the water volume of the reservoir influence in the same way in fish diet? - (2018)

Jean Carlos Dantas de Oliveira, Jônnata Fernandes de Oliveira, Luzia Geize Fernandes Rebouças, José Luís Costa Novaes, Danielle Peretti

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Editorial: Homage to Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo - (2018)

Denise de Campos Bicudo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Editorial: Reservoirs Ecology - (2018)

Gilmar Perbiche-Neves, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Effects of invasive species snails in continental aquatic bodies of Pernambucano semiarid - (2018)

Paulo Rogério de Souza Almeida, Silvano Lima do Nascimento Filho, Girlene Fábia Segundo Viana

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Effects of temperature increase and nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton functional groups in a Brazilian semi-arid reservoir - (2018)

Maria da Conceição de Souza, Luciane Oliveira Crossetti, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems: a scientometric study - (2018)

Jéssica Alves da Costa, João Paulo de Souza, Ana Paula Teixeira, João Carlos Nabout, Fernanda Melo Carneiro

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Expansion of invasive Ceratium furcoides (Dinophyta) toward north-central Brazil: new records in tropical environments - (2018)

Weliton José da Silva, Ina de Souza Nogueira, Enaide Marinho de Melo-Magalhães, Sarah Haysa Mota Benício, Sheila Magalhães Pessoa, Mariângela Menezes

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Extreme droughts drive tropical semi-arid eutrophic reservoirs towards CO2 sub-saturation - (2018)

Jurandir Rodrigues de Mendonça Júnior, André Megali Amado, Luciana de Oliveira Vidal, Arthur Mattos, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Influence of environmental variables on the diatom communities of oligotrophic reservoirs for public water supply (Guarulhos, Southeast Brazil) - (2018)

Simone Alves de Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Is competition an interaction as relevant as predation for tropical planktonic cladocerans? - (2018)

Tânia Cristina dos Santos Ferreira, Marlene Sofia Arcifa, Andrés Ricardo Domingos

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Is it possible to evaluate the ecological status of a reservoir using the phytoplankton community? - (2018)

Aline Martins Vicentin, Eduardo Henrique Costa Rodrigues, Viviane Moschini-Carlos, Marcelo Luiz Martins Pompêo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Is thermal stability a factor that influences environmental heterogeneity and phytoplankton distribution in tropical lakes? - (2018)

Luciana Gomes Barbosa, Francisco Antônio Rodrigues Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Opportunities and challenges for fish culture in Brazilian reservoirs: a review - (2018)

Evoy Zaniboni-Filho, Janaína dos Santos Pedron, Josiane Ribolli

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Periphytic Actinella Lewis (Ochrophyta, Bacillariophyceae) species from an Environmental Protection Area in the Brazilian Amazon - (2018)

Luís Gustavo de Castro Canani, Rebecca da Silva Fraia, Sérgio de Melo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Periphytic algal community in lentic environments of the Upper Paraná River floodplain: seasonal and spatial variation - (2018)

Kisay Lorena Adame, Barbara Dunck, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Periphytic Cosmarium (Zygnematophyceae, Desmidiaceae) in lentic environments of the Upper Paraná River floodplain: Taxonomy and ecological aspects - (2018)

Nicolli Cristina Osório, Aparecida Miranda Polinario, Bárbara Dunck, Kisay Lorena Adame, Luciana Carapunarla, Maria Gabriela Junqueira, Ubirajara Lima Fernandes, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Phosphorus dynamics in the water of tropical semiarid reservoirs in a prolonged drought period - (2018)

Herika Cavalcante, Fabiana Araújo, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Pigmented Euglenophyceae of a lentic environment at the Upper Paraná River Floodplain, Brazil - (2018)

Susicley Jati, Carla Cristiane de Jesus Borsalli, Sueli Train

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Relationship among carnivorous macrophyte Utricularia foliosa L. and species composition and life forms of periphytic algae community - (2018)

Thiago Rodrigues dos Santos, Carla Ferragut, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Relationship between zooplankton richness and area in Brazilian lakes: comparing natural and artificial lakes and trends - (2018)

Luisa Orbitelli Longato, Iuri Emmanuel de Paula Ferreira, Gilmar Perbiche-Neves

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Reservoir management: an opinion to how the scientific community can contribute - (2018)

Irineu Bianchini Junior, Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Responses of the phytoplankton functional structure to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity in a large subtropical shallow lake - (2018)

Luciane Oliveira Crossetti, Lacina Maria Freitas-Teixeira, Juliana Elisa Bohnenberger, Uwe Horst Schulz, Lúcia Ribeiro Rodrigues, David da Motta-Marques

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Spatial and temporal dynamics of functional groups of phytoplankton in a tropical shallow lake - (2018)

Núbia da Silva, João Paulo de Oliveira Santos, Danielle Lima de Oliveira, Joseilson dos Santos Silva, Kelly Dayane Pereira da Silva, Ênio Wocyli Dantas, Luciana Gomes Barbosa

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Spatial distribution and temporal variation of microcrustaceans assembly (Cladocera and Copepoda) in different compartments of a reservoir in the brazilian semiarid region - (2018)

Josiane Souza Santos, Nadson Ressyé Simões, Sérgio Luiz Sonoda

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Spatial-temporal analysis of the diet of a non-native fish in the Santa Cruz Reservoir, Brazilian semi-arid - (2018)

Jônnata Fernandes de Oliveira, Jean Carlos Dantas de Oliveira, José Luís Costa Novaes, Antonia Elissandra Freire de Souza, Marla Melise Oliveira de Sousa, Andréa Bezerra dos Santos, Danielle Peretti

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Study approach and step by step development of a fish-based multimetric index for reservoirs: a case study presentation from a neotropical cascade system - (2018)

Maria Letizia Petesse

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Taxonomy and ecology of order Surirellales (Bacillariophyceae) in tropical reservoirs in Southeastern of Brazil - (2018)

Krysna Stephanny de Morais, Elaine Rodrigues Bartozek, Stéfano Zorzal-Almeida, Denise C. Bicudo, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

The impact of a biomanipulation experiment on the ichthyofauna diet from a neotropical reservoir in Brazilian semiarid - (2018)

Cristiane de Carvalho Ferreira Lima Moura, Jônnata Fernandes Oliveira, José Luís Costa Novaes, Rodrigo Silva da Costa, Darlan Dantas Alves de Araújo, Danielle Peretti

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

The use of polyaluminium chloride as a restoration measure to improve water quality in tropical shallow lakes - (2018)

Fabiana Araújo, Hélio Rodrigues dos Santos, Vanessa Becker, José Luiz Attayde

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Trophic structure of the fish community throughout the reservoirs and tributaries of the Middle and Lower Tietê River (São Paulo, Brazil) - (2018)

Welber Senteio Smith, Camila Galvão Francisco Pereira, Evaldo Luiz Gaeta Espindola, Odete Rocha

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Water volume reduction increases eutrophication risk in tropical semi-arid reservoirs - (2018)

Carlos Alberto Nascimento da Rocha Junior, Mariana Rodrigues Amaral da Costa, Rosemberg Fernandes Menezes, José Luiz Attayde, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 30 - Issue: 0

Abundance and size structure of planktonic protist communities in a Neotropical floodplain: effects of top-down and bottom-up controls - (2017)

Bianca Ramos de Meira, Fernando Miranda Lansac-Tôha, Bianca Trevizan Segovia, Felipe Rafael de Oliveira, Paulo Roberto Bressan Buosi, Susicley Jati, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Adjacent environments contribute to the increase of zooplankton species in a neotropical river - (2017)

Francieli de Fátima Bomfim, Tatiane Mantovano, Diogo Castanho Amaral, Welinton Sousa Palhiarini, Claudia Costa Bonecker, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Assessing disruption of longitudinal connectivity on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a semiarid lowland river - (2017)

Marta Leiva, Mercedes Marchese, Liliana Diodato, Héctor Tévez

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Climate factors and limnological conditions shaping phytoplankton community in two subtropical cascading reservoirs - (2017)

Ana Paula Vestena Cassol, Maria Angélica Oliveira, André Luis Domingues, Waterloo Pereira-Filho, Mariana Durigon, Juliana Ferreira da Silva

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Copepod assemblage structure (Crustacea: Copepoda) along a longitudinal environmental gradient in a tropical river-floodplain system, Brazil - (2017)

Welinton Sousa Palhiarini, Leilane Talita Fatoreto Schwind, Rodrigo Leite Arrieira, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Development of low-cost culture media for Ankistrodesmus gracilis based on inorganic fertilizer and macrophyte - (2017)

Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares, Alexandra Maria Donadon Lusser Segali, Flavia Almeida Berchielli-Morais, Bruno Scardoeli-Truzzi

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Differences in environmental heterogeneity promote the nestedness of Chironomidae metacommunity in Neotropical floodplain lakes - (2017)

Gisele Daiane Pinha, Rafael Prandini Tramonte, Camila Gentilin Bilia, Alice Michiyo Takeda

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Editorial - (2017)

Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Susicley Jati, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Effects of bromeliad flowering event on the community structuring of aquatic insect larvae associated with phytotelmata of Aechmea distichantha Lem. (Bromeliaceae) - (2017)

Felipe Emiliano Amadeo, Juliana Déo Dias, Bianca Trevizan Segovia, Nadson Ressyé Simões, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Effects of dredging and macrophyte management on the fish species composition in an old Neotropical reservoir - (2017)

André Luiz Henríques Esguícero, Marlene Sofia Arcifa

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Environmental heterogeneity explains species turnover but not nestedness in fish assemblages of a Neotropical basin - (2017)

Oscar Eduardo Peláez, Filipe Manoel Azevedo, Carla Simone Pavanelli

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Environmental variables driving the larval distribution of Limnoperna fortunei in the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil - (2017)

Jéssica Ernandes-Silva, Gisele Daiane Pinha, Roger Paulo Mormul

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Factors affecting assemblage attributes of freshwater Oligochaeta in Neotropical shallow floodplain lakes - (2017)

Vanessa Ernandes de Amo, Jéssica Ernandes da Silva, Gisele Daiane Pinha, Flávio Henrique Ragonha, Roger Paulo Mormul

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Factors that drive zooplankton diversity in Neo-Tropical Savannah shallow lakes - (2017)

Claudia Padovesi-Fonseca, Renan de Souza Rezende

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Feeding habits of the freshwater crab Sodhiana iranica from Southern Iran - (2017)

Sana Sharifian, Ehsan Kamrani

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Gyrodactylidae (Monogenea: Platyhelminthes) gill parasites of Tetragonopterinae (Characiformes: Characidae) from the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil - (2017)

Eloiza Muniz Capparros, Ricardo Massato Takemoto

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Importance of dam-free stretches for fish reproduction: the last remnant in the Upper Paraná River - (2017)

Jislaine Cristina Silva, Rafael Rogério Rosa, Eliana Maria Galdioli, Claudemir Martins Soares, Wladimir Marques Domingues, Samuel Veríssimo, Andréa Bialetzki

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Influence of tributaries on the periphytic diatom community in a floodplain - (2017)

Andressa Bichoff, Nicolli Cristina Osório, Daiane Trevisan Ruwer, Kisay Lorena Adame Montoya, Bárbara Dunck, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Integrated analysis of water quality from two rivers used for public supply in southern Brazil - (2017)

Flávia Bernardo Chagas, Camila Fátima Rutkoski, Gregori Betiato Bieniek, Gean Delise Leal Pasquali Vargas, Paulo Afonso Hartmann, Marília Teresinha Hartmann

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Intra-annual variation in planktonic ciliate species composition (Protista: Ciliophora) in different strata in a shallow floodplain lake - (2017)

Gustavo Mayer Pauleto, Felipe Rafael de Oliveira, Bianca Trevizan Segovia, Bianca Ramos Meira, Fernando Lansac-Tôha, Paulo Roberto Bressan Buosi, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Is it possible to simplify environmental monitoring? Approaches with zooplankton in a hydroelectric reservoir - (2017)

Ana Caroline de Alcântara Missias, Leonardo Fernandes Gomes, Hasley Rodrigo Pereira, Leo Caetano Fernandes da Silva, Ronaldo Angelini, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Is similar the distribution of Chironomidae (Diptera) and Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) in a river and a lateral fluvial area? - (2017)

Daniela Aparecida Silveira Cesar, Raoul Henry

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Longitudinal gradient in limnological variables in the Upper Paraná River: a brief description and the importance of undammed tributaries - (2017)

Natália Fernanda Santana, Larissa Strictar Pereira, Maria do Carmo Roberto, Sue Ellen do Amaral Gomes, Thomaz Aurélio Pagioro, Roger Paulo Mormul

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Periphytic community structure of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in the river-floodplain system of the Upper Paraná River - (2017)

Janet Higuti, Eliezer de Oliveira da Conceição, Ramiro de Campos, Vitor Góis Ferreira, Jonathan da Rosa, Márian Bozzo de Oliveira Pinto, Koen Martens

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton community dynamic detection from the chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient in productive inland waters - (2017)

Fernanda Sayuri Yoshino Watanabe, Enner Herenio de Alcântara, Thanan Walesza Pequeno Rodrigues, Nariane Marselhe Ribeiro Bernardo, Luiz Henrique da Silva Rotta, Nilton Nobuhiro Imai

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton community in the last undammed stretch of the Paraná River: considerations on the distance from the dam - (2017)

Susicley Jati, Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Geovani Arnhold Moresco, Aline Caroline Magro de Paula, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues, Patricia Iatskiu, Alfonso Pineda, Bárbara Furigo Zanco, Matheus Vieira da Silva, Yasmin Rodrigues Souza

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Phytoplankton functional groups indicators of environmental conditions in floodplain rivers and lakes of the Paraná Basin - (2017)

Barbara Furrigo Zanco, Alfonso Pineda, Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Susicley Jati, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Richness and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in a subtropical reservoir in São Paulo, Brazil - (2017)

Ana Carolina Pavão, André Cordeiro Alves dos Santos, Flávia Bottino, Roseli Frederigi Benassi, Maria do Carmo Calijuri

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Rivers affect the biovolume and functional traits of phytoplankton in floodplain lakes - (2017)

Alfonso Pineda, Geovani Arnhold Moresco, Aline Caroline Magro de Paula, Luciane Maria Nogueira, Patricia Iatskiu, Yasmin Rodrigues de Souza, Larissa Mozini Reis, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Salinity effects on photosynthetic pigments, proline, biomass and nitric oxide in Salvinia auriculata Aubl. - (2017)

Maria Angélica da Conceição Gomes, Inácio Abreu Pestana, Claudete Santa-Catarina, Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis, Marina Satika Suzuki

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Small dams also change the benthic macroinvertebrates community in rocky rivers - (2017)

Leticia de Mattos, Larissa Dal Molin Kruger, Ana Lucia Suriani Affonso, Gilmar Perbiche-Neves, Sidnei Pressinatte Junior

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblage associated with aquatic macrophyte patches in the littoral zone of the Ayapel Swamp Complex, Colombia - (2017)

Carlos Mario Marín Avendaño, Néstor Jaime Aguirre Ramírez

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Species inventory of aquatic macrophytes in the last undammed stretch of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil - (2017)

Douglas Costa Souza, Eduardo Ribeiro Cunha, Raytha de Assis Murillo, Márcio José Silveira, Mikaela Marques Pulzatto, Mario Sérgio Dainez-Filho, Lucas Assumpção Lolis, Sidinei Magela Thomaz

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Structure and dynamic of planktonic ciliate community in a large Neotropical river: the relevance of the pluviosity and tributaries in the biodiversity maintenance - (2017)

Orlando Pelissari Negreiros, Bianca Trevizan Segovia, Fernando Miranda Lansac-Tôha, Bianca Ramos de Meira, Paulo Roberto Bressan Buosi, Adalgisa Fernanda Cabral, Heloisa Santos Silva, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Temporal coherence of physical, chemical and biological variables in four tropical lakes (Minas Gerais, Brazil) - (2017)

Mariana Peifer Bezerra, Pedro Maia Barbosa, Francisco Antônio Rodrigues Barbosa, José Fernandes Bezerra Neto

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Temporal distribution and early development of Moenkausia cf. gracilima (Lucena & Soares, 2016) (Osteichthyes, Characidae) in the upper Paraná River, Brazil - (2017)

Joyce Andreia dos Santos, Marcia Sayuri Iquematsu, Claudemir Martins Soares, Eliana Maria Galdioli, Klebert Faria da Silva, Valmir Alves Teixeira, Andréa Bialetzki

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

The small foreigner: new laws will promote the introduction of non-native zooplankton in Brazilian aquatic environments - (2017)

Paula Nunes Coelho, Raoul Henry

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Trophic quality of waters in the Patos Lagoon estuary: a comparison between its margins and the port channel located in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil - (2017)

Rafela Neves Marreto, Maria da Graça Zepka Baumgarten, Mônica Wallner-Kersanach

Volume: 29 - Issue: 0

Distribution of Archaeal and Bacterial communities in a subtropical reservoir - (2015)

Laís Américo Soares, André Cordeiro Alves Dos Santos, Iolanda Cristina Silveira Duarte, Emiliana Manesco Romagnoli, Maria do Carmo Calijuri

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Diversity and composition of Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae assemblages in streams with different environmental conditions at Serra da Bocaina, Southeastern Brazil - (2015)

Ana Lucia Henriques-Oliveira, Jorge Luiz Nessimian, Darcílio Fernandes Baptista

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Geostatistical techniques applied to mapping limnological variables and quantify the uncertainty associated with estimates - (2015)

Cristiano Cigagna, Daniel Marcos Bonotto, José Ricardo Sturaro, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Influence of water fluctuations on the limnological characteristics of two floodplain lagoons (Ribeira do Iguape Valley, state of São Paulo, Brazil) - (2015)

Rogério Herlon Furtado Freire, Roseli Frederigi Benassi, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Aline Alves Sanchez

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Macroinvertebrates of the Iranian running waters: a review - (2015)

Moslem Sharifinia

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Predation by Erythemis nymphs (Odonata) on Chironomidae (Diptera) and Elmidae (Coleoptera) in different conditions of habitat complexity - (2015)

João Ânderson Fulan, Marcelo Rodrigues dos Anjos

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton in subtropical stabilization ponds - (2015)

Wiviany Riediger, Norma Catarina Bueno, Nyamien Yahaut Sebastien, Jascieli Carla Bortolini

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Trichoptera (Insecta) in water hyacinth roots: evaluation of the influence of exotic mussel and environmental factors - (2015)

Sandra Francisca Marçal, Claudia Tasso Callil, Rogério Conceição Lima dos Santos

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Trophic structure of fish fauna along the longitudinal gradient of a first-order rural stream - (2015)

Jardel Nimet, Rosilene Luciana Delariva, Luciano Lazzarini Wolff, Jislaine Cristina da Silva

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Water quality in four reservoirs of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil - (2015)

Denise Amazonas Pires, Andrea Tucci, Maria do Carmo Carvalho, Marta Condé Lamparelli

Volume: 27 - Issue: 4

Caloric content of leaves of five tree species from the riparian vegetation in a forest fragment from South Brazil - (2015)

Leandro Fabrício Fiori, Vivian de Mello Cionek, Patricia Almeida Sacramento, Evanilde Benedito

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Co-occurrence of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya & Subba Raju and Microcystis panniformis Komárek et al. in Mundaú reservoir, a semiarid Brazilian ecosystem - (2015)

Ariadne do Nascimento Moura, Maria do Carmo Bittencourt-Oliveira, Mathias Alii Chia, Juliana Santos Severiano

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Daily mass balance of phosphorus and nitrogen in effluents of production sectors of trout farming system - (2015)

Munique de Almeida Bispo Moraes, Clovis Ferreira do Carmo, Carlos Massatoshi Ishikawa, Yara Aiko Tabata, Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Ecological guilds of epiphytic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) on Acrostichum danaeifolium Längst. & Fisch in a subtropical wetland in southern Brazil - (2015)

Vanessa Corrêa da Rosa, Marinês Garcia

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Effects of nutrients increase on the copepod community of a reservoir using cages - (2015)

Vanessa Graciele Tibúrcio, Rodrigo Leite Arrieira, Leilane Talita Fatoreto Schwind, Claudia Costa Bonecker, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Presence of riparian vegetation increases biotic condition of fish assemblages in two Brazilian reservoirs - (2015)

Fabio Cop Ferreira, Ursulla Pereira Souza, Miguel Petrere Junior2

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Relative influence of direct and indirect environmental effects on sestonic chlorophyll-a concentration in Cerrado streams - (2015)

Pedro Paulino Borges, Fabrício Barreto Teresa, Patrick Thomaz de Aquino Martins, João Carlos Nabout

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Structure and biodiversity of zooplankton communities in freshwater habitats of a Vereda Wetland Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil - (2015)

Olívia Penatti Pinese, José Fernando Pinese, Kleber Del Claro

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Wetland nutrient retention and multitemporal growth – Case study of Riacho Fundo’s Wetland - (2015)

Rodrigo Zolini Dias, Gustavo Macedo de Mello Baptista

Volume: 27 - Issue: 3

Abiotic features of a river from the Upper Tietê River Basin (SP, Brazil) along an environmental gradient - (2015)

Katharina Eichbaum Esteves, Ana Valéria Pinto Lôbo, Alexandre Wagner Silva Hilsdorf

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

An overview of the contribution of studies with cladocerans to environmental stress research - (2015)

Albert Luiz Suhett, Jayme Magalhães Santangelo, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli, Christian Eugen Wilhem Steinberg, Vinicius Fortes Farjalla

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Catalase activity in Smicridea McLachlan, 1871 (Insecta, Trichoptera) collected from natural and altered/impacted streams - (2015)

Cristiane Biasus, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Rogério Luis Cansian, Rozane Maria Restello, Albanin Aparecida Mielniczki-Pereira

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Editorial - (2015)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Effects of detritus chemical composition on the anaerobic mineralization of Salvinia auriculata and Utricularia breviscapa - (2015)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino, Irineu Bianchini Júnior

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Evaluation of alternative macroinvertebrate sampling techniques for use in a new tropical freshwater bioassessment scheme - (2015)

Isabel Eleanor Moore, Kevin Joseph Murphy

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Mercury bioaccumulation in fishes of a paddy field in Southern of Brazil - (2015)

Vinicius Tavares Kütter, Mateus Tavares Kütter, Emmanoel Vieira Silva-Filho, Eduardo Duarte Marques, Olga Venimar de Oliveira Gomes, Nicolai Mirlean

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Prevalence of paralytic shellfish poison-producing Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in a Brazilian semi-arid reservoir - (2015)

Ismael Keslley Carloto Lopes, Mario Ubirajara Gonçalves Barros, Carlos João Pestana, José Capelo Neto

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Sediment composition mediates the invasibility of aquatic ecosystems by a non-native Poaceae species - (2015)

José Vitor Botter Fasoli, Thaisa Sala Michelan, Sidinei Magela Thomaz

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Synergistic effects between omnivorous filter-feeding fish and nutrient enrichment on algal biomass - (2015)

Leonardo Henrique Teixeira, José Luiz Attayde

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Water quality and potamoplankton evaluation of the Nile River in Upper Egypt - (2015)

Ahmed Mohamed El-Otify, Isaac Agaiby Iskaros

Volume: 27 - Issue: 2

Biomonitoring ecological status of two reservoirs of the Brazilian semi-arid using phytoplankton assemblages (Q index) - (2015)

Ana Paula Cardoso Silva, Ivaneide Alves Soares da Costa

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Biotic or abiotic factors: which has greater influence in determining the structure of rotifers in semi-arid reservoirs? - (2015)

Daniele Jovem da Silva Azevêdo, José Etham de Lucena Barbosa, Danianne Enéias Porto, Wilma Izabelly Ananias Gomes, Joseline Molozzi

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Cyanobacterial occurrence and detection of microcystins and saxitoxins in reservoirs of the Brazilian semi-arid - (2015)

Jessica Roberts Fonseca, Pryscila Cynara Soares Vieira, Paula Kujbida, Ivaneide Alves Soares da Costa

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Editorial - (2015)

Joseline Molozzi, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Implications of low food availability on resource partitioning among three species of Cichlidae (Pisces: Perciformes) in a Brazilian semi-arid reservoir - (2015)

Bruno Renaly Souza Figueiredo, Gabrielle Joanne Medeiros Araujo, Márcio Joaquim da Silva, Elvio Sergio Figueredo Medeiros

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Influence of ecological filters on phytoplankton communities in semi-arid solar saltern environments - (2015)

Raiane Santos Costa, Joseline Molozzi, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa, Paulo Roberto Nunes da Silva, Renato de Medeiros Rocha, José Etham de Lucena Barbosa

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Influence of extended drought on water quality in tropical reservoirs in a semiarid region - (2015)

Gustavo Girão Braga, Vanessa Becker, José Neuciano Pinheiro de Oliveira, Jurandir Rodrigues de Mendonça Junior, Anderson Felipe de Medeiros Bezerra, Laíssa Macêdo Torres, Ângela Marília Freitas Galvão, Arthur Mattos

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Limnological characteristics of a hydrographic basin of the Brazilian semiarid region - (2015)

Rodrigo Sávio Teixeira de Moura, Gustavo Gonzaga Henry-Silva

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

On the relation amongst limnological factors and fish abundance in reservoirs at semiarid region - (2015)

Ronaldo César Gurgel-Lourenço, Carlos Alberto de Sousa Rodrigues-Filho, Ronaldo Angelini, Danielle Sequeira Garcez, Jorge Iván Sánchez-Botero

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Spatial modeling of limnological parameters in a solar saltwork of northeastern Brazil - (2015)

Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa, José Etham de Lucena Barbosa, Amadeu Mortágua Velho de Maia Soares, Ana Isabel Lillebø, Renato de Medeiros Rocha

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Vertical and temporal dynamics of phytoplanktonic associations and the application of index assembly in tropical semi-arid eutrophic reservoir, northeastern Brazil - (2015)

Pryscila Cynara Soares Vieira, Maria Marcolina Lima Cardoso, Ivaneide Alves Soares da Costa

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Zooplankton community of Parnaíba River, Northeastern Brazil - (2015)

Ludmilla Cavalcanti Antunes Lucena, Thaís Xavier de Melo, Elvio Sergio Figueredo Medeiros

Volume: 27 - Issue: 1

Assessment of the physicochemical variables of a subtropical reservoir in the northwest of Argentina - (2014)

Beatriz Concepción Tracanna, Silvia Nelly Martínez De Marco, María de los Ángeles Taboada, Virginia Mirande, María de Lourdes Gultemirian, Sara Celina Isasmendi

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Diel dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups in a tropical water supply, Extremoz Lake, northeastern Brazil - (2014)

Thársia da Silva Pinto, Vanessa Becker

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Differential environmental impacts on small and medium size rivers from center of São Paulo State, Brazil, and regional management perspectives - (2014)

Paula Caroline dos Reis Oliveira, Marcos Gomes Nogueira, Luciana Pinto Sartori

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Effects of impoundment on the body condition of fish in the Manso reservoir, Mato Grosso State, Brazil - (2014)

Sandra Maria Lopes de Moura, Elaine Antoniassi Luiz Kashiwaqui, Norma Segatti Hahn

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Epilithic diatoms in headwater areas of the hydrographical sub-basin of the Andreas Stream, RS, Brazil, and their relation with eutrophication processes - (2014)

Carla Giselda Heinrich, Valéria Louzada Leal, Marilia Schuch Adriana Düpont, Eduardo Alcayaga Lobo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus saturation point for Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Salvinia molesta Mitchell in mesocosms used to treating aquaculture effluent - (2014)

Matheus Nicolino Peixoto Henares, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Limnological characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation in a subtropical shallow lake (Guaiba Lake, Brazil): a long-term study - (2014)

Rodrigo da Rocha Andrade, Danilo Giroldo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Taxonomical and ecological characteristics of the desmids placoderms in reservoir: analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution - (2014)

Sirlene Aparecida Felisberto, Liliana Rodrigues, Helivânia Sardinha dos Santos

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Tilapia rendalli increases phytoplankton biomass of a shallow tropical lake - (2014)

Lúcia Helena Sampaio da Silva, Marlene Sofia Arcifa, Gian Salazar-Torres, Vera Lúcia de Moraes Huszar

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

Trophic ecology of two piranha species, Pygocentrus nattereri and Serrasalmus marginatus (Characiformes, Characidae), in the floodplain of the Negro River, Pantanal - (2014)

Fabiane Silva Ferreira, Wagner Vicentin, Fábio Edir dos Santos Costa, Yzel Rondon Súarez

Volume: 26 - Issue: 4

A global scientific literature of research on water quality indices: trends, biases and future directions - (2014)

Maria Tereza Ribeiro Alves, Fabrício Barreto Teresa, João Carlos Nabout

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Chemical change of leaves during breakdown affects associated invertebrates in a subtropical stream - (2014)

Alan Mosele Tonin, Rozane Maria Restello, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Composition and species richness phytoplankton in a subtropical floodplain lake: a long-term study - (2014)

Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Vânia Mara Bovo-Scomparin, Aline Caroline Magro de Paula, Geovani Arnhold Moresco, Larissa Mozini Reis, Susicley Jati, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Determining the high variability of pCO2 and pO2 in the littoral zone of a subtropical coastal lake - (2014)

Denise Tonetta, Maria Luiza Schmitz Fontes, Mauricio Mello Petrucio

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Diel patterns of temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in an Amazon floodplain lake: description of a friagem phenomenon - (2014)

Pedro Caraballo, Bruce Rider Forsberg, Fabiane Ferreira de Almeida, Rosseval Galdino Leite

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Environmental integrity and damselfly species composition in Amazonian streams at the "arc of deforestation" region, Mato Grosso, Brazil - (2014)

Leandro Schlemmer Brasil, Joana Darc Batista, Nubia França da Silva Giehl, Marco Bruno Xavier Valadão, Josias Oliveira dos Santos, Karina Dias-Silva

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Short-term physiological responses to copper stress in Salvinia auriculata Aubl. - (2014)

Andresa Lana Thomé Bizzo, Aline Chaves Intorne, Pollyana Honório Gomes, Marina Satika Suzuki, Bruno dos Santos Esteves

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in a subtropical reservoir and their effects over the benthic macroinvertebrate community - (2014)

Frederico Guilherme de Souza Beghelli, André Cordeiro Alves dos Santos, Maria Virgínia Urso-Guimarães, Maria do Carmo Calijuri

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Structure and composition of the benthic macroinvertebrate community on wetland and irrigated rice cultivation - (2014)

Karen Tavares Juruá, Isadora Adamoli Pagel, Vitor Emanuel Tavares, Lilian Terezinha Winckler Sosinski

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

The influence of rain in limnological characteristics of Viruá wetlands, Brazilian Amazon - (2014)

Julio Daniel do Vale, Jansen Zuanon, William Ernest Magnusson

Volume: 26 - Issue: 3

Aquatic macrophyte community varies in urban reservoirs with different degrees of eutrophication - (2014)

Suelen Cristina Alves da Silva, Armando Carlos Cervi, Cleusa Bona, André Andrian Padial

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Composition and diversity of the Chironomidae in subtropical streams: effects of environmental predictors and temporal analysis - (2014)

Rozane Maria Restello, Cristiane Biasi, Pedro Felipe Moutinho Bernardo de Moraes, Gabriella Gabriel, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Diversity and ecological aspects of aquatic insect communities from montane streams in southern Brazil - (2014)

Bruna Marmitt Braun, Mateus Marques Pires, Carla Bender Kotzian, Marcia Regina Spies

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Editorial - (2014)

Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Antonio Camargo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Effect of habitat heterogeneity in the composition and distribution of Chironomidae (Diptera) assemblage in different microhabitats of preserved streams in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest - (2014)

Fernanda de Almeida Gurski, Gisele Daiane Pinha, Yara Moretto, Alice Michiyo Takeda, Norma Catarina Bueno

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Field evidence of the influence of aquatic macrophytes on water quality in a shallow eutrophic lake over a 13-year period - (2014)

Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva, Claudio Rossano Trindade Trindade, Leonardo Marques Furlanetto

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Morphological characterization of eighteen lakes of the north and middle coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - (2014)

Alois Eduard Schäfer, Cassiano Alves Marchett, Sabrina Maurer Schuh, Siclério Ahlert, Rosane Maria Lanzer

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Population dynamics of Aegla manuinflata Bond-Buckup and Santos 2009 (Decapoda: Aeglidae), an threatened species - (2014)

André Trevisan, Sandro Santos

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

The effect of the macroconsumer Aegla longirostri (Crustacea, Decapoda) on the invertebrate community in a subtropical stream - (2014)

Gláucia Bolzan Cogo, Cristiane Biasi, Sandro Santos

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

The influence of environmental variables on spatial and temporal phytoplankton dissimilarity in a large shallow subtropical lake (Lake Mangueira, southern Brazil) - (2014)

Luciane Oliveira Crossetti, Fabiana Schneck, Lacina Maria Freitas-Teixeira, David da Motta-Marques

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

Tolerance of benthic macroinvertebrates to organic enrichment in highland streams of northeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - (2014)

Aline Correa Mazzoni, Rosane Lanzer, Alois Schafer

Volume: 26 - Issue: 2

A comparative study of the acute toxicity of the herbicide atrazine to cladocerans Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Macrothrix flabelligera - (2014)

Raquel Aparecida Moreira, Adrislaine da Silva Mansano, Lidiane Cristina da Silva, Odete Rocha

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Benthic macrofauna and the limnological parameters of a first-order stream in Atlantic Forest of Brazilian Northeast - (2014)

Janaina Câmara Siqueira da Cunha, Renato Galindo de Barros Filho, Rafael Pereira da Silva, Iris Gabrielly Arruda dos Santos, Gilberto Gonçalves Rodrigues

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) farming system: water quality and environmental changes - (2014)

Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante, André Martins Vaz-dos-Santos, Munique de Almeida Bispo Moraes, Jeniffer Sati Pereira, Júlio Vicente Lombardi

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Editorial - (2014)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Effects of human activities on rivers located in protected areas of the Atlantic Forest - (2014)

Mônica Luisa Kuhlmann, Hélio Rubens Victorino Imbimbo, Lucy Lina Ogura, João Paulo Villani, Roberto Starzynski, Maria de Jesus Robim

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Environmental gradient in reservoirs of the medium and low Tietê River: limnological differences through the habitat sequence - (2014)

Welber Senteio Smith, Evaldo Luis Gaeta Espíndola, Odete Rocha

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Evaluation of water and sediment quality of urban streams in Santa Cruz do Sul County, RS, Brasil, using ecotoxicological assays - (2014)

Luã de Vargas, Camila Athanásio, Adriana Düpont, Adilson Ben da Costa, Eduardo Aléxis Lobo

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Kinetics of aerobic decomposition in the leaching phase of allochthonous plant detritus - (2014)

André Luiz dos Santos Fonseca, Irineu Bianchini Jr., Cristiane Marques Monteiro Pimenta, Norberto Mangiavacchi, Cássio Botelho Pereira Soares

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Limnological characteristics of a reservoir in semiarid Northeastern Brazil subject to intensive tilapia farming (Orechromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) - (2014)

Luis Artur Valões Bezerra, Walt Disney Paulino, Danielle Sequeira Garcez, Helena Becker, Jorge Iván Sánchez-Botero

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Phytoplankton functional and morphological groups as indicators of environmental variability in a lateral channel of the Upper Paraná River floodplain - (2014)

Jascieli Carla Bortolini, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues, Susicley Jati, Sueli Train

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Taxonomic composition and feeding habits of Chironomidae in Cerrado streams (Southeast Brazil): impacts of land use changes - (2014)

Victor Satoru Saito, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca-Gessner

Volume: 26 - Issue: 1

Comparing the performance of different stream classification systems using aquatic macroinvertebrates - (2013)

Márlon de Castro Vasconcelos, Adriano Sanches Melo, Albano Schwarzbold

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Conservation unit and water quality: the influence of environmental integrity on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages - (2013)

Jessé Renan Scapini Sobczak, Alice Teresa Valduga, Rozane Maria Restello, Rafael Imlau Cardoso

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Diel responses of phytoplankton of an Amazon floodplain lake at the two main hydrological phases - (2013)

Kathrin Nere Passarinho, Maria Rosélia Marques Lopes, Sueli Train

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Diversity and spatial and temporal variation of benthic macroinvertebrates with respect to the trophic state of Lake Figueira in the South of Brazil - (2013)

Fernanda Blauth de Lima, Alois Edward Schäfer, Rosane Maria Lanzer

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Editorial - (2013)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Influence of local and landscape characteristics on the distribution and diversity of fish assemblages of streams in the Ivinhema River basin, Upper Paraná River - (2013)

Ana Paula Lemke, Yzel Rondon Súarez

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Life-history strategies associated to reproduction of three Hyphessobrycon species (Characidae) in lentic environments of upper Paraná River basin - (2013)

Cristina da Silva Gonçalves, Ursulla Pereira Souza, Fabio Cop Ferreira, Alexandre Peressin, Francisco Manoel de Souza Braga

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Spatial and temporal patterns of macroinvertebrates in drift and on substrate of a mountain stream (Cordoba, Central Argentina) - (2013)

María Daniela Barbero, Ana María Oberto, Cristina Mabel Gualdoni

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Structure of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages on a gradient of environmental integrity in Neotropical streams - (2013)

Marcia Thais Suriano, Alaide Aparecida Fonseca-Gessner

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Temporal and spatial variation of limnological variables and biomass of different macrophyte species in a Neotropical reservoir (São Paulo - Brazil) - (2013)

Flávia Bottino, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Kevin Joseph Murphy

Volume: 25 - Issue: 4

Editorial - (2013)

Vinicius Fortes Farjalla, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 25 - Issue: 3

Diversity and biomass of native macrophytes are negatively related to dominance of an invasive Poaceae in Brazilian sub-tropical streams - (2013)

Luiz Felipe Gonçalves Fernandes, Mariana Carolina Teixeira, Sidinei Magela Thomaz

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Effects of experimental eutrophization on zooplankton community - (2013)

Ana Maria Alves de Medeiros, Cyntya Eustáquio de Sousa, Maria Cristina Crispim, Ana Karla Araújo Montenegro

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Evaluation of sediment contamination by trace elements and the zooplankton community analysis in area affected by gold exploration in Southeast (SE) of the Iron Quadrangle, Alto Rio Doce, (MG) Brazil - (2013)

Cláudia de Lima e Silva, Adivane Terezinha da Costa, Giovanni Guimarães Landa, Herton Fabrício Camargos Fonseca, Aléssio Silveira

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Factors structuring the spatial distribution of Chironomidae larvae community in the floodplain of the northern Pantanal, Brazil - (2013)

Maitê Tambelini dos Santos, Claudia Tasso Callil, Ibraim Fantin-Cruz, Pierre Girard

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Hydrosedimentological disequilibrium in a small, urbanized watershed - (2013)

Alexandre Marco da Silva, Alexandre Ribas dos Santos, Rodolpho Augusto Fernandes, Rodrigo Custódio Urban, Romulo Martins Carvalho, Luiz Augusto Manfré, Steven Frederick Durrant

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiency, and N : P ratios in natural populations of Typha domingensis Pers. in a coastal tropical lagoon - (2013)

Bruno dos Santos Esteves, Marina Satika Suzuki

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Nutrients and water-forest interactions in an Amazon floodplain lake: an ecological approach - (2013)

Fabio Aprile, Assad José Darwich

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Organic matter cycling in a neotropical reservoir: effects of temperature and experimental conditions - (2013)

Flávia Bottino, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Kevin Joseph Murphy

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Progressive recovery of a tropical deforested stream community after a flash flood - (2013)

Lucas Cerqueira Marques, Mônica Ceneviva-Bastos, Lilian Casatti

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

The effects of abiotic variables on detritus decomposition in Brazilian subtropical mangroves - (2013)

Renan de Souza Rezende, Marcelo de Oliveira Pinto, José Francisco Gonçalves Jr., Mauricio Mello Petrucio

Volume: 25 - Issue: 2

Algal and Cyanobacterial communities in two rivers of the province of San Luis (Argentina) subjected to anthropogenic influence - (2013)

Jorgelina Daruich, Susana Tripole, María Angélica Gil, Adriana Vallania

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 response to sediment samples from a contaminated river ( Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) - (2013)

Nara Regina Terra, Silvana Pereira Gonçalves

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Distribution of aquatic insects in urban headwater streams - (2013)

Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Rozane Maria Restello, Silvia Vendruscolo Milesi, Cristiane Biasi, Joseline Molozzi

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Editorial - (2013)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Effects of marginal vegetation removal on Odonata communities - (2013)

Fernando Geraldo de Carvalho, Nelson Silva Pinto, José Max Barbosa de Oliveira Júnior, Leandro Juen

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Implementation of hydroacoustic for a rapid assessment of fish spatial distribution at a Brazilian Lake - Lagoa Santa, MG - (2013)

José Fernandes Bezerra-Neto, Ludmila Silva Brighenti, Ricardo Motta Pinto-Coelho

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Piscivory by Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794): a question of prey availability? - (2013)

Ana Karla Araujo Montenegro, Ana Carolina Brito Vieira, Maria Marcolina Lima Cardoso, Jane Enisa Ribeiro Torelli de Souza, Maria Cristina Crispim

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Temporal variation in phytoplankton community in a freshwater coastal lake of southern Brazil - (2013)

Denise Tonetta, Mauricio Mello Petrucio, Roselane Laudares-Silva

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Trophic ecology of the ichthyofauna of a stretch of the Urucu River (Coari, Amazonas, Brazil) - (2013)

Igor David da Costa, Carlos Edwar de Carvalho Freitas

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Use of artificial sediment to assess toxicity of chromium on Chironomus xanthus, Danio rerio and Poecilia reticulata - (2013)

Aline Fernanda Campagna, Beatriz Kawamura Rodrigues, Roberta Corrêa Nogueirol, Nelsy Fenerich Verani, Evaldo Luiz Gaeta Espíndola, Luís Reynaldo Ferracciú Alleoni

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

Variation in the diet of a small characin according to the riparian zone coverage in an Atlantic Forest stream, northeastern Brazil - (2013)

Márcia Emília de Jesus Trindade, Alexandre Peressin, Maurício Cetra, Ricardo Jucá-Chagas

Volume: 25 - Issue: 1

How many species of cladocerans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) are found in Brazilian Federal District? - (2013)

Francisco Diogo Rocha Sousa, Lourdes Maria Abdu Elmoor-Loureiro

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Distribution of aquatic insects in urban headwater streams Distribuição de insetos aquáticos em riachos urbanos - (2013)

Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Rozane Maria Restello, Silvia Vendruscolo Milesi, Cristiane Biasi, Joseline Molozzi

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Effects of marginal vegetation removal on Odonata communities Efeitos da retirada da vegetação marginal sobre a comunidade de Odonata - (2013)

Fernando Geraldo de Carvalho, Nelson Silva Pinto, José Max Barbosa de Oliveira Júnior, Leandro Juen

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Water quality in the lotic area of the Antas river before and after the construction of the Monte Claro hydroelectric plant, south Brazil Qualidade da água nos trechos lóticos do rio das Antas antes e após a construção da usina hidrelétrica Monte Claro, sul do Brasil - (2013)

Adriane Marques Pimenta, Leonardo Marques Furlanetto, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva

Volume: - Issue: ahead

A multimetric index based on fish fauna for the evaluation of the biotic integrity of streams at a mesohabitat scale Índice multimétrico com base na fauna de peixes para avaliação da integridade biótica de riachos em escala de meso-hábitat - (2012)

Lilian Casatti, Fabrício Barreto Teresa

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Assessment of in vivo fluorescence method for chlorophyll-a estimation in optically complex waters (Curuai floodplain, Pará - Brazil) Avaliação do método de fluorescência in vivo para a estimativa da concentração de clorofila-a em águas opticamente complexas (planície de inundação do Curuai, Pará - Brasil) - (2012)

Rafael Damiati Ferreira, Cláudio Clemente Faria Barbosa, Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Editorial - (2012)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Editorial Editorial - (2012)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Effects of flooding regime and diel cycle on diet of a small sized fish associated to macrophytes Efeitos do regime hidrológico e do ciclo diário na dieta de uma espécie de pequeno porte associada à macrófitas - (2012)

Natália Carniatto, Rosemara Fugi, Geuza Cantanhêde, Éder André Gubiani, Norma Segatti Hahn

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the abundance and cell size of planktonic nanoflagellate communities Efeito da concentração de nitrogênio e fósforo na abundância e tamanho celular da comunidade de nanoflagelados planctônicos - (2012)

Danielle Goeldner Pereira, Fábio Amodêo Lansac-Tôha, Gustavo Mayer Pauleto, Luis Mauricio Bini, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Eutrophization process in a system used for rearing the nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), São Paulo State, Brazil Processo de eutrofização em um sistema utilizado para a criação da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), São Paulo, Brasil - (2012)

Jeniffer Sati Pereira, Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante, Julio Vicente Lombardi, André Martins Vaz-dos-Santos, Clóvis Ferreira do Carmo, João Alexandre Saviolo Osti

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

How many species of cladocerans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) are found in Brazilian Federal District? Quantas espécies de cladóceros (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) são encontradas no Distrito Federal? - (2012)

Francisco Diogo Rocha Sousa, Lourdes Maria Abdu Elmoor-Loureiro

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Influence of a cage farming on the population of the fish species Apareiodon affinis (Steindachner, 1879) in the Chavantes reservoir, Paranapanema River SP/PR, Brazil Influência de uma piscicultura em tanques-rede na população da espécie de peixe Apareiodon affinis (Steindachner, 1879) no reservatório de Chavantes, rio Paranapanema SP/PR, Brasil - (2012)

Heleno Brandão, Javier Lobón-Cerviá, Igor Paiva Ramos, Ana Carolina Souto, André Batista Nobile, Érica de Oliveira Penha Zica, Edmir Daniel Carvalho

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Influence of substratum surface roughness on periphytic algal community structure in a shallow tropical reservoir Influência da rugosidade do substrato sobre a estrutura da comunidade de algas perifíticas em reservatório raso tropical - (2012)

Mariane Lima de Souza, Carla Ferragut

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Limnological variations of a deep reservoir in periods with distinct rainfall patterns Variações na limnologia de um reservatório profundo em períodos com diferentes padrões de precipitação - (2012)

Ana Maria Geraldes, Catherine George

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

The influence of taxonomic resolution of Oligochaeta on the evaluation of water quality in an urban stream in Minas Gerais, Brazil A influência da resolução taxonômica de Oligochaeta na avaliação da qualidade da água em um córrego urbano em Minas Gerais, Brasil - (2012)

Gabriela Linhares Frizzera, Roberto da Gama Alves

Volume: 24 - Issue: 4

Are sugarcane leaf-detritus well colonized by aquatic macroinvertebrates? Detritos foliares de cana-de-açúcar são bem colonizados por macroinvertebrados aquáticos? - (2012)

Luciene Aparecida Leite-Rossi, Susana Trivinho-Strixino

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Ecological attributes of the benthic community and indices of water quality in urban, rural and preserved environments Atributos ecológicos da comunidade bentônica e índices de qualidade da água de ambientes urbanos, rurais e preservados - (2012)

Claudia Eiko Yoshida, Ana Paula Pozzo Rios Rolla

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Editorial - (2012)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Efficiency of a constructed wetland for wastewaters treatment Eficiência de um "wetland" construído no tratamento de efluentes - (2012)

Fernanda Travaini-Lima, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Future ecological studies of Brazilian headwater streams under global-changes Estudos ecológicos futuros em riachos de cabeceira na perspectiva de mudanças globais - (2012)

Marcos Callisto, Adriano Sanches Melo, Darcilio Fernandes Baptista, José Francisco Gonçalves Junior, Manuel Augusto Simões Graça, Fernanda Gaudio Augusto

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Microalgae community of the Huaytire wetland, an Andean high-altitude wetland in Peru Comunidade de microalgas do wetland Huaytire, uma área alagada de alta altitude nos Andes peruanos - (2012)

Gian Salazar-Torres, Vera Lúcia de Moraes Huszar

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Periphytic algal biomass in two distinct regions of a tropical coastal lake Biomassa de algas perifíticas em duas regiões distintas de uma lagoa costeira tropical - (2012)

Stéfano Zorzal de Almeida, Valéria de Oliveira Fernandes

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Physical, chemical and microbiological aspects during the dry and rainy seasons in a pond covered by macrophyte used in aquaculture water supply Aspectos físico-químicos e microbiológicos nas estações de seca e chuva em viveiro coberto por macrófitas usado no abastecimento de água para aquicultura - (2012)

Samuel Generoso Dias, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Population biology of shrimp Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1778) (Decapoda, Palaemonoidea) at the Grande River at northwest of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil Biologia populacional do camarão Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1778) (Decapoda, Palaemonoidea) no Rio Grande no noroeste do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil - (2012)

Samara de Paiva Barros-Alves, Ariádine Cristine Almeida, Vivian Fransozo, Douglas Fernandes Rodrigues Alves, José Carlos da Silva, Valter José Cobo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Water quality assessment of fifth-order tributaries of the reservoir at the Marechal Mascarenhas de Morais Hydroelectric Power Station in the Rio Grande watershed (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) Avaliação da qualidade da água dos afluentes de quinta ordem do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Marechal Mascarenhas de Morais na bacia hidrográfica do médio rio Grande (Minas Gerais, Brasil) - (2012)

Douglas de Pádua Andrade, Lucas Rezende Penido Paschoal, Odila Rigolin de Sá, Norival França

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Water quality in the lotic area of the Antas river before and after the construction of the Monte Claro hydroelectric plant, south Brazil Qualidade da água nos trechos lóticos do rio das Antas antes e após a construção da usina hidrelétrica Monte Claro, sul do Brasil - (2012)

Adriane Marques Pimenta, Leonardo Marques Furlanetto, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva

Volume: 24 - Issue: 3

Biogeochemical cycling of urea in the aquatic systems of Pindaré and Turiaçu River basins, a pre-Amazonian floodplain, Baixada Maranhense, Brazil Ciclo biogeoquímico da ureia nos sistemas aquáticos das bacias hidrográficas do Pindaré e Turiaçu, várzea pré-Amazônica, Baixada Maranhense, Brasil - (2012)

Osamu Mitamura, Nobutada Nakamoto, Maria do Socorro Rodrigues Ibañez, Paulo Roberto Saraiva Cavalcante, José Policarpo Costa Neto, Ricardo Barbieri

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Characterization of effluents from bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus, Shaw, 1802) grow-out ponds Caracterização de efluentes de viveiros de engorda de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus, Shaw, 1802) - (2012)

Fernanda de Freitas Borges, Luiz Augusto do Amaral, Marta Verardino De Stéfani

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Copepods (Crustacea, Maxillopoda) from shallow reservoirs Copépodes (Crustacea, Maxillopoda) em reservatórios rasos - (2012)

Maria Stela Maioli Castilho-Noll, Carolina Figueira Câmara, Maira Favaron Chicone, Érico Hissashi Shibata, Ligia Roma Stephan

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Effects of net cages on the vertical distribution of zooplankton in a semi-arid reservoir, northeastern Brazil Interferência de tanques-rede na distribuição vertical do zooplâncton num açude do semi-árido, nordeste do Brasil - (2012)

Glécia Trinta de Paula Freitas, Maria Cristina Crispim, Hênio do Nascimento de Melo Júnior

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Evaluation of the efficiency of the sewage treatment plant from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), RS, Brazil Avaliação da eficiência da estação de tratamento de esgoto da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), RS, Brasil - (2012)

Adriana Düpont, Eduardo Alcayaga Lobo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Hydrochemistry of Cachoeira River (Bahia State, Brazil) Hidroquímica do Rio Cachoeira (Bahia, Brasil) - (2012)

Maria Zita Tabosa Pinheiro de Queiroz Lima Lucio, Simone Setúbal dos Santos, Daniela Mariano Lopes da Silva

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Inter-annual chemical stratification in Brazilian natural lakes: meromixis and hypolimnetic memory Estratificação química em lagos naturais brasileiros: meromixia e memória hipolimnética - (2012)

Luciana Gomes Barbosa, Francisco Antonio Rodrigues Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Spatial and temporal change characterization of Ceratium furcoides (Dinophyta) in the equatorial reservoir Riogrande II, Colombia Caracterização das mudanças espaciais e temporais de Ceratium furcoides (Dinophyta) no reservatório equatorial Riogrande II (Entrerríos, Antioquia, Colombia) - (2012)

Carolina Bustamante Gil, John Jairo Ramírez Restrepo, Andrés Boltovskoy, Amparo Vallejo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

The influence of xenobiotics in river sediment on the reproduction and survival of Daphnia magna, 1820, Straus Influência de xenobióticos no sedimento de rio sobre a reprodução e a sobrevivência de Daphnia magna, 1820, Straus - (2012)

Silvana Pereira Gonçalves, Fabiane Lucheta, Viviane Kelin de Souza, Nara Regina Terra

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

The role of limnological variables and habitat complexity in impacted tropical streams as regulatory factors on the flagellate protozoa community O papel das variáveis limnológicas e da complexidade de habitats em riachos tropicais impactados como fatores reguladores da comunidade de protozoários flagelados - (2012)

Janielly Carvalho Camargo, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Aquatic macrophytes as indicators of water quality in subtropical shallow lakes, Southern Brazil Macrófitas aquáticas como indicadores da qualidade da água em pequenos lagos rasos subtropicais, Sul do Brasil - (2012)

Sabrina Amaral Pereira, Cláudio Rossano Trindade Trindade, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Aquatic systems in semi-arid Brazil: limnology and management Ecossistemas aquáticos do semi-árido brasileiro: aspectos limnológicos e manejo - (2012)

José Etham de Lucena Barbosa, Elvio Sérgio Figueredo Medeiros, Jandeson Brasil, Raquel da Silva Cordeiro, Maria Cristina Basilio Crispim, Gustavo Henrique Gonzaga da Silva

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Calibration of water quality index (WQI) based on Resolution nº 357/2005 of the Environment National Council (CONAMA) Calibração do índice de qualidade da água (IQA) com base na Resolução nº 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA) - (2012)

Daiane Lautert Moretto, Ruben Edgardo Panta, Adilson Ben da Costa, Eduardo Alexis Lobo

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Cladocerans from gut contents of fishes associated to macrophytes from Taquari River Basin, MS, Brazil Cladóceros do conteúdo estomacal de peixes associados a macrófitas da Bacia do Rio Taquari, MS, Brasil - (2012)

Adriana Maria Güntzel, Ilze Katsue Morita Melo, Kennedy Francis Roche, Valéria Flávia Batista da Silva, Priscila Gusmão Pompiani

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Hydroacoustic assessment of fish and Chaoborus (Diptera-Chaoboridae) distribution in three Neotropical lakes Avaliação hidroacústica da distribuição de peixes e Chaoborus sp. (Diptera-Chaoboridae) em três lagos neotropicais - (2012)

José Fernandes Bezerra-Neto, Ludmila Silva Brighenti, Nelson Azevedo Santos Teixeira de Mello, Ricardo Motta Pinto-Coelho

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Hydrological stress as a limiting factor of the invasion of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) in the Upper Paraná River (Brazil) Estresse hidrológico como fator limitante para a invasão de Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker,1857) no Alto Rio Paraná (Brasil) - (2012)

Mônica de Cássia Souza Campos, Rosane Lanzer, Paulo de Tarso Castro

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Length-weight regressions of the microcrustacean species from a tropical floodplain Regressões peso-comprimento das espécies de microcrustáceos em uma planície de inundação tropical - (2012)

Fábio de Azevedo, Juliana Déo Dias, Louizi de Souza Magalhães Braghin, Cláudia Costa Bonecker

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Net cages in fish farming: a scientometric analysis Tanques rede em piscicultura: uma análise cienciométrica - (2012)

Juliana Déo Dias, Nadson Ressyé Simões, Cláudia Costa Bonecker

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Space-temporal dynamics of limnological variables in a floodplain wetland located at Ribeira do Iguape Valley (São Paulo, Brazil) at different hydrological periods Dinâmica espaço-temporal de variáveis limnológicas em uma área alagada localizada no Vale do Ribeira do Iguape (São Paulo, Brasil) em diferentes períodos hidrológicos - (2012)

Roseli Frederigi Benassi, Rogério Herlon Furtado Freire, Maria do Carmo Calijuri

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

The effect of the land use on phytoplankton assemblages of a Cerrado stream (Brazil) Os efeitos do uso do solo sobre as assembleias fitoplanctônicas de um riacho de Cerrado (Brasil) - (2012)

Mateus Ferrareze

Volume: 24 - Issue: 1

Are sugarcane leaf-detritus well colonized by aquatic macroinvertebrates? Detritos foliares de cana-de-açúcar são bem colonizados por macroinvertebrados aquáticos? - (2012)

Luciene Aparecida Leite-Rossi, Susana Trivinho-Strixino

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Ecological attributes of the benthic community and indices of water quality in urban, rural and preserved environments Atributos ecológicos da comunidade bentônica e índices de qualidade da água de ambientes urbanos, rurais e preservados - (2012)

Claudia Eiko Yoshida, Ana Paula Pozzo Rios Rolla

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Efficiency of a constructed wetland for wastewaters treatment Eficiência de um "wetland" construído no tratamento de efluentes - (2012)

Fernanda Travaini-Lima, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Future ecological studies of Brazilian headwater streams under global-changes Estudos ecológicos futuros em riachos de cabeceira na perspectiva de mudanças globais - (2012)

Marcos Callisto, Adriano Sanches Melo, Darcilio Fernandes Baptista, José Francisco Gonçalves Junior, Manuel Augusto Simões Graça, Fernanda Gaudio Augusto

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Microalgae community of the Huaytire wetland, an Andean high-altitude wetland in Peru Comunidade de microalgas do wetland Huaytire, uma área alagada de alta altitude nos Andes peruanos - (2012)

Gian Salazar-Torres, Vera Lúcia de Moraes Huszar

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Periphytic algal biomass in two distinct regions of a tropical coastal lake Biomassa de algas perifíticas em duas regiões distintas de uma lagoa costeira tropical - (2012)

Stéfano Zorzal de Almeida, Valéria de Oliveira Fernandes

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Physical, chemical and microbiological aspects during the dry and rainy seasons in a pond covered by macrophyte used in aquaculture water supply Aspectos físico-químicos e microbiológicos nas estações de seca e chuva em viveiro coberto por macrófitas usado no abastecimento de água para aquicultura - (2012)

Samuel Generoso Dias, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Population biology of shrimp Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1778) (Decapoda, Palaemonoidea) at the Grande River at northwest of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil Biologia populacional do camarão Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1778) (Decapoda, Palaemonoidea) no Rio Grande no noroeste do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil - (2012)

Samara de Paiva Barros-Alves, Ariádine Cristine Almeida, Vivian Fransozo, Douglas Fernandes Rodrigues Alves, José Carlos da Silva, Valter José Cobo

Volume: - Issue: ahead

Different levels of taxonomic resolution in bioassessment: a case study of oligochaeta in lowland streams - (2011)

Agustina Cortelezzi, Laura Cecilia Armendáriz, María Vanesa López van Oosterom, Rosana Cepeda, Alberto Rodrigues Capítulo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Diversity of phytoplankton community in different urban aquatic ecosystems in metropolitan João Pessoa, state of Paraíba, Brazil Diversidade da comunidade fitoplactônica em diferentes ecossistemas aquáticos urbanos da região metropolitana de João Pessoa, PB, estado da Paraíba, Brasil - (2011)

Davi Freire da Costa, Ênio Wocyli Dantas

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Editorial - (2011)

Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Effect of Urucu oil (Brazilian Amazon) on the biomass of the aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Pontederiaceae) Efeito do petróleo de Urucu (Amazônia/Brasil) sobre a biomassa da macrófita aquática Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Pontederiaceae) - (2011)

Luciana Carvalho Crema, Jose Francisco Vicente Biudes, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Effects of liming and development of Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus) larvae on the abundance of zooplankton in fish ponds Efeitos da calagem e desenvolvimento do Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus) na abundância do zooplâncton em viveiros de piscicultura - (2011)

Thécia Alfenas Silva Valente Paes, José Mauro Valente Paes, Nilton Eduardo Torres Rojas, Odete Rocha, Maria José dos Santos Wisniewski

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Influence of net-cage fish farming on zooplankton biomass in the Itá reservoir, SC, Brazil Influência da piscicultura em tanque-rede sobre a biomassa do zooplâncton no reservatório de Itá, SC, Brasil - (2011)

Bruna Roque Loureiro, Christina Wyss Castelo Branco, Evoy Zaniboni Filho

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Invertebrates associated to Eichhornea azurea Kunth in a lagoon of the Upper Paraná River: composition, community attributes and influence of abiotic factors Invertebrados associados à Eichhornea azurea Kunth em uma lagoa do alto rio Paraná: composição, atributos da comunidade e influência de fatores abióticos - (2011)

Valéria Flávia Batista-Silva, Daiane Dias Boneto, Dayani Bailly, Milza Celi Fedatto Abelha, Elaine Antoniassi Luiz Kashiwaqui

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Relationship between banana plant cultivation and stream macroinvertebrate communities Relação entre cultivo de banana e a comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos - (2011)

Priscila Kleine, Susana Trivinho-Strixino, Juliano José Corbi

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Spatial and seasonal distribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Upper Paraná River floodplain environments ( Brazil) Distribuição espacial e sazonal da matéria orgânica dissolvida cromófora em ambientes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná (Brasil) - (2011)

Mariana Carolina Teixeira, Júlio César Rodrigues de Azevedo, Thomaz Aurélio Pagioro

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Temporal variation in the biomass and nutrient status of Azolla filiculoides Lam. (Salviniaceae) in a small shallow dystrophic lake Variação temporal de biomassa e estado nutricional de Azolla filiculoides Lam (Salviniaceae) em um pequeno lago raso distrófico - (2011)

Claudio Rossano Trindade Trindade, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

The grass is always greener on the other side: Triplectides Kolenati, 1859 (Leptoceridae) and Marilia Müller, 1880 (Odontoceridae) occupying cases of other Trichoptera species A grama é sempre mais verde do outro lado: Triplectides Kolenati, 1859 (Leptoceridae) e Marilia Müller, 1880 (Odontoceridae) ocupando casulos de outras espécies de Trichoptera - (2011)

Lucas Marques de Camargos, Ana Maria Oliveira Pes

Volume: 23 - Issue: 4

Density and body size of the larval stages of the invasive golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in two neotropical rivers Densidade e tamanho dos estágios larvais do molusco invasor mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei) em dois rios neotropicais - (2011)

Vivianne Eilers, Márcia Divina de Oliveira, Kennedy Francis Roche

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Evaluation of water quality parameters for monitoring natural, urban, and agricultural areas in the Brazilian Cerrado Avaliação de parâmetros de qualidade de água para monitoramento de áreas naturais, urbanas e agrícolas no Cerrado brasileiro - (2011)

Daphne Heloisa de Freitas Muniz, Aline Silva Moraes, Ingrid de Souza Freire, Carlos José Domingos da Cruz, Jorge Enoch Furquim Werneck Lima, Eduardo Cyrino Oliveira-Filho

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

First adult record of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Cantor 1842 from Ribeira de Iguape River Basin, Brazil Primeiro registro de um indivíduo adulto de Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Cantor 1842 do rio Ribeira de Iguape, Brasil - (2011)

Caio Isola Dallevo do Amaral Gomes, Alexandre Peressin, Mauricio Cetra, Walter Barrella

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Focusing on variation: methods and applications of the concept of beta diversity in aquatic ecosystems Focando na variação: métodos e aplicações do conceito de diversidade beta em ecossistemas aquáticos - (2011)

Adriano Sanches Melo, Fabiana Schneck, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp, Nadson Ressyé Simões, Tadeu Siqueira, Luis Mauricio Bini

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Impact of coal mining on water quality of three artificial lakes in Morozini River Basin (Treviso, Santa Catarina State, Brazil) Impacto da atividade de mineração na qualidade da água de três lagos artificiais da bacia do rio Morozini (Treviso, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil) - (2011)

Viviane Moschini-Carlos, Marcelo Luiz Martins Pompêo, Felipe de Lucia Lobo, Sergio Tadeu Meirelles

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Impact of the 2009 extreme water level variation on phytoplankton community structure in Lower Amazon floodplain lakes Impacto da variação extrema do nível da água em 2009 sobre a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica de lagos da planície do Baixo Amazonas - (2011)

Simone Casali, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Bernard Barbarisi, Vivian Fróes Renó, Adriana Gomes Affonso, Cláudio Barbosa, Thiago Sanna Freire Silva, Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Influence of environmental factors on benthic macroinvertebrate communities of urban streams in Vereda habitats, Central Brazil Influência de variáveis ambientais na comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos de córregos urbanos de Veredas, Brasil Central - (2011)

Renata de Moura Guimaraes Souto, Kátia Gomes Facure, Luis Alfredo Pavanin, Giuliano Buzá Jacobucci

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Population and feeding structure of Steindachnerina notonota Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937 (Actinopterygii, Characiformes, Curimatidae) in Taperoá II dam, semi-arid region of Paraíba, Brazil Estrutura populacional e alimentar de Steindachnerina notonota Miranda Ribeiro, 1937 (Actinopterygii, Characiformes, Curimatidae) no Açude Taperoá II, na região do semi-árido da Paraíba, Brasil - (2011)

Ana Karla Araujo Montenegro, Jane Enisa Ribeiro Torelli, Maria Cristina Crispim, Ana Maria Alves Medeiros

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Time series analysis of water surface temperature and heat flux components in the Itumbiara Reservoir (GO), Brazil Análise da série temporal da temperatura da superfície da água e dos componentes do balanço de calor no Reservatório de Itumbiara (GO), Brasil - (2011)

Enner Herenio de Alcântara, José Luiz Stech, João Antônio Lorenzzetti, Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Zooplankton body-size structure and biomass in tropical floodplain lakes: relationship with planktivorous fishes Estrutura de tamanho do corpo e biomassa do zooplâncton em lagos tropicais de planície de inundação: relações com peixes planctívoros - (2011)

Claudia Costa Bonecker, Fábio de Azevedo, Nadson Ressyé Simões

Volume: 23 - Issue: 3

Aerobic and anaerobic mineralization of Salvinia molesta and Myriophyllum aquaticum leachates from a tropical reservoir (Brazil) Mineralização aeróbia e anaeróbia dos lixiviados de Salvinia molesta e Myriophyllum aquaticum de um reservatório tropical (Brasil) - (2011)

Renato Henriques da Silva, Rafael Spadaccia Panhota, Irineu Bianchini Junior

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Aquatic invertebrate's distribution in a freshwater coastal lagoon of southern Brazil in relation to water and sediment characteristics Distribuição de invertebrados aquáticos em uma lagoa costeira de água doce ao sul do Brasil em relação às características de água e sedimento - (2011)

Leonardo Kleba Lisboa, Aurea Luiza Lemes da Silva, Mauricio Mello Petrucio

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Controlling factors of benthic macroinvertebrates distribution in a small tropical pond, lateral to the Paranapanema River (São Paulo, Brazil) Macroinvertebrados bentônicos e fatores controladores de sua distribuição em uma pequena lagoa tropical adjacente ao rio Paranapanema (São Paulo, Brasil) - (2011)

Erika Mayumi Shimabukuro, Raoul Henry

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Effect of salt stress on nutrient concentration, photosynthetic pigments, proline and foliar morphology of Salvinia auriculata Aubl. Efeito do estresse salino sobre as concentrações de nutrientes, pigmentos fotossintéticos, prolina e na morfologia foliar de Salvinia auriculata Aubl. - (2011)

Maria Angélica da Conceição Gomes, Marina Satika Suzuki, Maura da Cunha, Cristiane Ferrante Tullii

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Effects of carbofuran and metsulfuron-methyl on the benthic macroinvertebrate community in flooded ricefields Efeito do carbofurano e metsulfuron-methyl sobre a comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos de lavoura de arroz irrigado - (2011)

Joele Baumart, Marcelo Dalosto, Sandro Santos

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Effects of eutrophication and Typha domingensis Pers on methanogenesis in tropical constructed wetland Efeitos da eutrofização e da Macrófita Aquática Typha domingensis Pers sobre a metanogênese em alagados construídos tropicais - (2011)

Joanna Maria da Cunha de Oliveira Santos Neves, Glauca Torres Aragon, Emmanoel Vieira da Silva Filho

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Effects of nutrients enrichment on algal communities: an experimental in mesocosms approach Efeitos do enriquecimento de nutrientes em comunidades de algas: uma abordagem experimental em mesocosmos - (2011)

Sirlene Aparecida Felisberto, Josimeire Aparecida Leandrini, Liliana Rodrigues

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Influence of urbanisation on water quality in the basin of the upper Uruguay River in western Santa Catarina, Brazil Influência da urbanização sobre a qualidade da água na bacia do alto Rio Uruguai no oeste de Santa Catarina, Brasil - (2011)

Raquel Zeni Ternus, Gilza Maria de Souza-Franco, Maria Elena Krombauer Anselmini, Douglas João Carlos Mocellin, Jacir Dal Magro

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Patterns of species richness and composition of fish assemblages in streams of the Ivinhema River basin, Upper Paraná River Padrões de riqueza e composição de espécies das assembleias de peixes em riachos da bacia do rio Ivinhema, Alto Rio Paraná - (2011)

Yzel Rondon Súarez, Marcelo Maldonado de Souza, Fabiane Silva Ferreira, Maiane Jardim Pereira, Ediléia Amancio da Silva, Lidiani Queli Lubas Ximenes, Luciana Gonçalves de Azevedo, Olemar Cáceres Martins, Sidnei Eduardo Lima Júnior

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Spatial evaluation of water quality in an urban reservoir (Billings Complex, southeastern Brazil) Avaliação espacial da qualidade da água em reservatório urbano (Complexo Billings, sudeste do Brasil) - (2011)

Simone Wengrat, Denise de Campos Bicudo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 2

Application of the biotic index IBE-IOC for water quality assessment in wadeable streams in south-east Brazil Uso do índice biótico IBE-IOC para a avaliação da qualidade da água de riachos no sudeste do Brasil - (2011)

Riccardo Mugnai, Daniel Forsin Buss, Renata Bley Oliveira, Cristiane Sanfins, Alcimar do Lago Carvalho, Darcilio Fernandes Baptista

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Effects of daily changes in environmental factors on the abundance and richness of Odonata Efeitos das mudanças diárias dos fatores ambientais sobre a abundância e a riqueza de Odonata - (2011)

João Ânderson Fulan, Raoul Henry, Rosemary Cristina Souza Davanso

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Effects of nitrate enrichment on leaf litter decomposition Efeitos do enriquecimento por nitrato sobre a decomposição de detritos foliares - (2011)

Alan Mosele Tonin, Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Inorganic carbon shortage may limit the development of submersed macrophytes in habitats of the Paraná River basin Baixas concentrações de carbono inorgânico podem limitar o desenvolvimento de macrófitas submersas em habitats do alto rio Paraná - (2011)

Aline de Freitas, Sidinei Magela Thomaz

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Leaf degradation of Salix humboldtiana Willd: (Salicaceae) and invertebrate colonization in a subtropical lake (Brazil) Degradação foliar de Salix humboldtiana Willd: (Salicaceae) e colonização por invertebrados em um lago subtropical (Brasil) - (2011)

Franko Telöken, Edélti Faria Albertoni, Cleber Palma-Silva

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Limnological characterization of floodplain lakes in Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Central Amazon (Amazonas State, Brazil) Caracterização limnológica dos lagos da planície de inundação na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Amazônia Central (Estado do Amazonas, Brasil) - (2011)

Adriana Gomes Affonso, Helder Lima de Queiroz, Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Method for hatching resting eggs from tropical zooplankton: effects of drying or exposing to low temperatures before incubation Método para a eclosão de ovos de resistência do zooplâncton tropical: efeitos da seca ou exposição a baixas temperaturas antes da incubação - (2011)

Jayme Magalhães Santangelo, Luciana Rabelo Araújo, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Marina Manca, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Population dynamics of Moina minuta Hansen (1899), Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars (1886), and Diaphanosoma spinulosum Herbst (1967) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in different nutrients (N and P) concentration ranges Dinâmica populacional de Moina minuta Hansen (1899), Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars (1886) e Diaphanosoma spinulosum Herbst (1967) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) em diferentes faixas de concentração de nutrientes (N e P) - (2011)

Ana Carolina Brito Vieira, Ana Maria Alves Medeiros, Leonardo Leôncio Ribeiro, Maria Cristina Crispim

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Population structure, feeding and reproductive aspects of Serrapinnus heterodon (Characidae, Cheirodontinae) in a Mogi Guaçu reservoir (SP), upper Paraná River basin Estrutura populacional, alimentação e reprodução do lambari-prata Serrapinnus heterodon (Characidae, Cheirodontinae) em um reservatório do rio Mogi Guaçu (SP), bacia do alto rio Paraná - (2011)

Cristina da Silva Gonçalves, Ursulla Pereira Souza, Francisco Manoel de Souza Braga

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Population structure, reproductive biology and feeding of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) in an Upper Paraná River tributary, Misiones, Argentina Estrutura populacional, biologia reprodutiva e alimentação de Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) em um tributário do alto Rio Paraná, Misiones, Argentina - (2011)

Lourdes María Hirt, Patricia Raquel Araya, Silvia Alicia Flores

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Vertical distribution of phytoplankton functional groups in a tropical shallow lake: driving forces on a diel scale Distribuição vertical de grupos funcionais fitoplanctônicos em um lago tropical raso: forças direcionadoras em escala nictemeral - (2011)

Luciana Gomes Barbosa, Paulina Maria Maia Barbosa, Francisco Antonio Rodrigues Barbosa

Volume: 23 - Issue: 1

Application of a non-destructive method to determine biomass in Pontederiaceae Aplicação de método não destrutivo para determinação de biomassa de Pontederiaceae - (2010)

Cátia Viviane Gonçalves, Albano Schwarzbold, André Jasper, Marlon Castro Vasconcelos

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Bioassay using Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 to evaluate the sediment of Caí River (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) Bioensaios utilizando Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 na avaliação do sedimento do rio Caí (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) - (2010)

Nara Regina Terra, Ilda Rosa Feiden, Fabiane Lucheta, Silvana Pereira Gonçalves, Juliana Schons Gularte

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Calibration of QUAL2K model in Brazilian micro watershed: effects of the land use on water quality Calibração do modelo QUAL2K em uma micro bacia brasileira: efeitos do uso e ocupação do solo na qualidade da água - (2010)

Flávia Bottino, Ive Ciola Ferraz, Eduardo Mario Mendiondo, Maria do Carmo Calijuri

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Diurnal dynamic of inorganic carbon and oxygen dissolved in a Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) fish pond, São Paulo, Brasil Dinâmica diurna das formas de carbono inorgânico e oxigênio dissolvido em viveiro de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758), São Paulo, Brasil - (2010)

Claudinei José Rodrigues, Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante, Clovis Ferreira do Carmo, Andréa Tucci, João Alexandre Savilo Osti, Ariane Carolina Di Genaro

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Evaluation of the Gravataí River sediment quality (Rio Grande do Sul- Brazil) using Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) as the test-organism for toxicity assays Avaliação da qualidade dos sedimentos do rio Gravataí (Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil) a partir de testes de toxicidade utilizando Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) como organismo-teste - (2010)

Fabiane Lucheta, Ilda Rosa Feiden, Silvana Pereira Gonçalves, Juliana Schons Gularte, Nara Regina Terra

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Influence of a waterfall over richness and similarity in adjoining pools of an Atlantic Rainforest stream Influência de uma queda d'água sobre a riqueza e a similaridade de dois remansos em um rio da Mata Atlântica - (2010)

Célio Roberto Jönck, José Marcelo Rocha Aranha

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Primary productivity of the phytoplankton in a tropical Brazilian shallow lake: experiments in the lake and in mesocosms Produtividade primária em um lago tropical raso brasileiro: experimentos no lago e em mesocosmos - (2010)

Eliana Garcia Feresin, Marlene Sofia Arcifa, Lúcia Helena Sampaio da Silva, André Luiz Henríques Esguícero

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Seasonal variability of periphyton nutrient status and biomass on artificial and natural substrates in a tropical mesotrophic reservoir Variação sazonal do estado nutricional e da biomassa do perifíton em substrato artificial e natural em um reservatório tropical mesotrófico - (2010)

Carla Ferragut, Alexandre Ferreira Rodello, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Spatial distribution and functional feeding groups of aquatic insect communities in Serra da Bocaina streams, southeastern Brazil Distribuição espacial e categorização funcional trófica de comunidades de insetos aquáticos em rios na Serra da Bocaina, Sudeste Brasil - (2010)

Ana Lucia Henriques de Oliveira, Jorge Luiz Nessimian

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Temporal variability of the bivalve Erodona mactroides BOSC, 1802 during and after the El Niño phenomenon (2002/2003) in a subtropical lagoon, southern Brazil Variabilidade temporal do bivalve Erodona mactroides BOSC, 1802 durante e após o fenômeno El Niño (2002/2003) em uma laguna subtropical, sul do Brasil - (2010)

Leonir André Colling, Carlos Emilio Bemvenuti, Raphael Mathias Pinotti

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Top-down control in a tropical shallow lake of Northern Pantanal, Brazil Controle descendente em um lago tropical raso do Pantanal Norte, Brasil - (2010)

Roberto de Moraes Lima Silveira, Leide Laura Almeida Ribeiro de Paiva, Janielly Carvalho Camargo

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Water quality prediction using the QUAL2Kw model in a small karstic watershed in Brazil Predição da qualidade da água através do modelo QUAL2Kw numa pequena bacia hidrográfica cárstica brasileira - (2010)

Rodrigo de Arruda Camargo, Maria Lúcia Calijuri, Aníbal da Fonseca Santiago, Eduardo de Aguiar de Couto, Marcos Dornelas Freitas Machado e Silva

Volume: 22 - Issue: 4

Assessment of Oriçanga and Itupeva rivers water quality at the Pardo-Mogi watershed (São Paulo State, Brazil) Avaliação da qualidade da água dos rios Oriçanga e Itupeva na bacia dos rios Pardo-Mogi (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil) - (2010)

Mariana Silveira-Guerra Moura e Silva, Julio Ferraz de Queiroz, Roberto Cesnik, José Maria Guzman Ferraz, Jener Fernandes Moraes

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Chironomidae (Diptera) community structure in two subsystems with different states of conservation in a floodplain of southern Brazil Estrutura da comunidade de Chironomidae (Diptera) em dois subsistemas em diferentes estados de conservação de uma planície de inundação do sul do Brasil - (2010)

Gisele Cristina Rosin, Danielle Paula de Oliveira Mangarotti, Alice Michiyo Takeda

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Determinants of beta diversity: the relative importance of environmental and spatial processes in structuring phytoplankton communities in an Amazonian floodplain Determinantes da diversidade beta: a importância relativa de processos ambientais e espaciais na estrutura de comunidades fitoplanctônicas de uma planície de inundação amazônica - (2010)

Ina de Souza Nogueira, João Carlos Nabout, Maria do Socorro Rodrigues Ibañez, Laurence Maurice Bourgoin

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Evaluation of the sampling methods applied to phycoperiphyton studies in the Ratones River estuary, Brazil Avaliação dos métodos de coleta aplicados no estudo do ficoperifíton no estuário do rio Ratones, SC, Brasil - (2010)

Bianca Vettorato, Roselane Laudares-Silva, Dávia Talgatti, Mariângela Menezes

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Occurrence of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) and Mesocyclops ogunnus Onabamiro, 1957 in lakes of the Middle River Doce, MG, Brazil Ocorrência de Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) e Mesocyclops ogunnus Onabamiro, 1957 em lagos do Médio Rio Doce, MG - (2010)

Raul Soares Peixoto, Luciana Pena Mello Brandão, Carla de Fátima Valadares, Paulina Maria Maia Barbosa

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Seasonal phytoplankton response to increased temperature and phosphorus inputs in a freshwater coastal lagoon, Southern Brazil: a microcosm bioassay Resposta sazonal do fitoplâncton ao aumento de temperatura e aporte de fósforo em uma lagoa costeira de água doce no sul do Brasil: um bioensaio em microcosmo - (2010)

Mariana Coutinho Hennemann, Mauricio Mello Petrucio

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Serial discontinuity along the Descoberto River Basin, Central Brazil Descontinuidade serial ao longo da bacia do rio Descoberto, Brasil Central - (2010)

Weliton José da Silva, Sirlene Aparecida Felisberto, Claudia Padovesi Fonseca, Maria das Graças Machado de Souza

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Seston fluxes in the dam of a Colombian tropical reservoir Fluxos de seston na barragem de um reservatório tropical Colombiano - (2010)

Yimmy Montoya Moreno, John Jairo Ramirez

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Spatial and temporal variation of Peridinium umbonatum F. Stein, 1883 (Dinophyceae) and its relationship with total phytoplankton of a shallow, oligotrophic lake in central Brazil (Lagoon Bonita, Distrito Federal) Variação especial e temporal de Peridinium umbonatum F. Stein, 1883 (Dinophyceae) e sua relação com o fitoplâncton total de uma lagoa rasa e oligotrófica no Brasil Central (Lagoa Bonita, Distrito Federal) - (2010)

Patrícia Pereira Gomes, Maria do Socorro Rodrigues Ibañez, June Springer de Freitas

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Structure and distribution of Hydrachnidia (Parasitengona-Acari) in the sub-basin of the Grande River (Superior Basin of Quinto River. San Luis-Argentina) Estrutura e distribuição dos Hidracáridos (Parasitengona-Acari) na Subcuenca do Rio Grande (Conta Superior do Rio Quinto. San Luis-Argentina) - (2010)

Carlos Raul Quiroga, Adriana Vallania, Beatriz Elena Rosso de Ferradás

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Structure of macroinvertebrate communities in riffles of a Neotropical karst stream in the wet and dry seasons Estrutura das comunidades de macroinvertebrados em corredeiras de um riacho cárstico Neotropical nas estações seca e chuvosa - (2010)

Karina Ocampo Righi-Cavallaro, Kennedy Francis Roche, Otávio Froehlich, Marcel Rodrigo Cavallaro

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Which is the best environment for the development of the early life stages of fish during the dry season? - (2010)

André Luiz Henríques Esguícero, Marlene Sofia Arcifa

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Which is the best environment for the development of the early life stages of fish during the dry season? Qual o melhor ambiente para o desenvolvimento das fases jovens de peixes durante a estação seca? - (2010)

André Luiz Henríques Esguícero, Marlene Sofia Arcifa

Volume: 22 - Issue: 3

Aquatic herbaceous plants of the Amazon floodplains: state of the art and research needed Herbáceas aquáticas das áreas alagáveis amazônicas: estado da arte e estudos necessários - (2010)

Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Wolfgang Junk, Sammya Agra D'Ângelo, Florian Wittmann, Jochen Schöngart, Keillah Mara do Nascimento Barbosa, Aline Lopes

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Aquatic macrophytes drive sediment stoichiometry and the suspended particulate organic carbon composition of a tropical coastal lagoon Macrófitas aquáticas determinam a estequiometria do sedimento e a composição do carbono orgânico particulado em suspensão de uma lagoa costeira tropical - (2010)

Cláudio Cardoso Marinho, Frederico Meirelles-Pereira, Anderson da Rocha Gripp, Camilla de Carvalho Guimarães, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Aquatic macrophytes in natural and managed wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil Macrófitas aquáticas em áreas úmidas naturais e manejadas do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil - (2010)

Ana Silvia Rolon, Henrique Flores Homem, Leonardo Maltchik

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Decomposition of aquatic macrophytes from Cantá stream (Roraima, Brazil): kinetics approach Decomposição de macrófitas aquáticas do Igarapé do Cantá (Roraima, Brasil): aspectos cinéticos - (2010)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Lucilia Dias Pacobahyba, Irineu Bianchini Jr.

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Emissions of methane and carbon dioxide during anaerobic decomposition of aquatic macrophytes from a tropical lagoon (São Paulo, Brazil) Emissões de metano e dióxido de carbono da decomposição de macrófitas aquáticas de uma lagoa tropical (São Paulo, Brasil) - (2010)

Irineu Bianchini Jr., Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha-Santino, Francisco Romeiro, Alexandre Luccas Bitar

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Influence of aquaculture effluents on the growth of Salvinia molesta Influência do efluente de aqüicultura sobre o crescimento de Salvinia molesta - (2010)

Raquel Eduarda Trevisan Pistori, Gustavo Gonzaga Henry-Silva, José Francisco Vicente Biudes, Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Limnological variables and nutritional content of submerged aquatic macrophytes in a tropical lagoon Variáveis limnológicas e conteúdo nutricional de macrófitas aquáticas submersas em uma lagoa tropical - (2010)

Bruno dos Santos Esteves, Marina Satika Suzuki

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Longitudinal distribution and seasonality of macroalgae in a subtropical stream impacted by organic pollution Distribuição longitudinal e sazonalidade de macroalgas em um riacho subtropical impactado por poluição orgânica - (2010)

Cleto Kaveski Peres, Ciro Cesar Zanini Branco, Rogério Antonio Krupek, José Celso Rocha

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon contents of macrophytes in lakes lateral to a tropical river (Paranapanema River, São Paulo, Brazil) Conteúdos de fósforo, nitrogênio e carbono de macrófitas em lagoas laterais a um rio tropical (Rio Paranapanema, São Paulo, Brasil) - (2010)

Mara Lucia Rodrigues Costa, Raoul Henry

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

Richness and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Brazilian semi-arid aquatic ecosystems Riqueza e distribuição de macrófitas aquáticas em ecossistemas aquáticos do semi-árido brasileiro - (2010)

Gustavo Gonzaga Henry-Silva, Rodrigo Sávio Teixeira de Moura, Luciana Lúcia de Oliveira Dantas

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

The fate of Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth. detritus within a tropical reservoir O destino dos detritos de Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth. em um reservatório tropical - (2010)

Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino, Irineu Bianchini Jr., Marco Hiroshi Okawa

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2

The role of macrophytes in habitat structuring in aquatic ecosystems: methods of measurement, causes and consequences on animal assemblages' composition and biodiversity O papel das macrófitas na estruturação de habitat em ambientes aquáticos: métodos de medida, causas e consequências para a composição das assembléias animais e biodiversidade - (2010)

Sidinei Magela Thomaz, Eduardo Ribeiro da Cunha

Volume: 22 - Issue: 2