New record of Parsteres pilosus Gadelha, Nunes & Oliveira, 2016, a rare species from a monotypic doryctine genus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) - (2020)

Acessos: 1

Sian S. Gadelha, Thiago Mahlmann, Juliana Hipólito

Volume: 2 - Issue: 0

Resumo. Despite the huge diversity of Doryctinae, with about 3,000 species estimated, the subfamily also has about 30% of its approximately 205 genera as monotypic. Most of these monotypic genera are known from a few specimens used to describe its species and then remain without further records. Here we were able to enlarge the distribution knowledge of a monotypic genera making the first record of Parsteres pilosus Gadelha, Nunes & Oliveira, 2016, to the Atlantic Forest biome at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Keywords: Ichneumonoidea, Doryctinae, Atlantic Forest, Amazon Forest, Cerrado

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-04-28 12:23:44