De Santa à perigosa representações e apagamentos de corpos trans femininos nas Artes Visuais até o século XIX - (2021)

Acessos: 3

Megg Rayara Gomes de Oliveira

Volume: 16 - Issue: 2021

Resumo. In this article, I problematize the representation and erasure of trans female bodies in the visual arts until the end of the 19th century. I try to identify trans female characters in works of art that dialogue with the field of the sacred and mythology, as well as in images produced by illustrators who were in the service of newspapers and police departments, especially in England and the United States of America. Texts that discuss art history, religiosity, mythology, male homosexuality were also consulted, but I adopt a genealogical stance along the lines proposed by Ines Dussel and Marcelo Caruso (2003). I also use the partial perspective proposed by Donna Haraway (1995) to analyze fragments of Traditional History and Art History. The concept of intersectionality is of central importance in this work, as it allows articulating issues of class, gender, gender identity and race simultaneously. This concept makes it possible to take turns between different areas of knowledge. In the case of this article with cultural, gender and sexual diversity studies and with post-structuralist and post-colonial theories. To give more consistency to my reflections, I use countless images because I understand that the visual language can also be discursive beyond the limits of aesthetic readings.

Keywords: arts and history, transsexualism, gender identity, body image

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-04-28 12:09:54