Breves relatos de uma bailarina gorda - (2020)

Acessos: 3

Jussara Belchior Santos

Volume: 15 - Issue: 0

Abstract. This text presents a collection of fragments about the artistic-academic research of fat ballerina Jussara Belchior. The writing deals with issues, discussions and intersections of the fat phobia such as the choreographic creation of the solo piece Peso Bruto (2017), fat representation, experiences of invention and reflection on the ways of creating (art and research), fat references that crosses several fields of knowledge, informations constituted by the proposition personal is political, by Carol Hanisch and a gross writing that takes place through the author's dance practice procedures.

Keywords: writing and art, performative (philosophy), discrimination against overweight persons, performance art

Language(s): Portuguese

Language(s): 2024-04-28 12:09:56