Caminhos do processo. Permanências do reencontro - (2021)

Acessos: 3

Rafael Schultz Myczkowski

Volume: 16 - Issue: 2021

Abstract. From my master ́s thesis and exposition Apagamentos retratos da privação (“Erasures portraits of privation”), and through an artistic practice, I have proposed methodologies to answer the erasures and social deprivations upon disabled people. This thesis presents the seven meetings (re-encounters) documented through photography laboratory experimentation –adapted and portable –when I encouraged disabled people to develop their own speech, stimulating dialogues and photography production, articulating the concepts framing and precariousness as a gesture. A research and an artistic practice and discussed in this article culminated in the exhibition Permanências do reencontro (“Permanence of Re-encounter”) at the Museu da Escola Catarinense —MESC —consisting of the presentation of the processes and their photographic results.

Keywords: photography handworked, social integration, people with disabilities and the arts, social isolation

Language(s): Portuguese

Language(s): 2024-04-28 12:09:53